Chapter 32: Wrong Choices

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~ Amelia's POV ~

It was Thursday, the 11th of May. I finished the homework I had. I laid in my bed now thinking about this. The note was in my drawer where only I could access it. Staring at the ceiling I wondered. None of this could be happening. I looked at the clock, it's already 10:40pm. I sighed, it is a school night. I should try to get some sleep. I just have tomorrow and then the weekend to manage. I shut off the lights and climbed under the covers. I hugged a pillow as I continued to stare at the ceiling. I close my eyes as I tried to fall asleep.


I was at Claire's house. We were sitting on the couch watching TV. The weekend had arrived and I just needed to relax. And the best way was to sit on the couch, watching some random season of Grey's Anatomy and snuggling with your girlfriend, am I right?

"Alright, this is ridiculous." Claire said.

"What is?" I questioned.

"This entire relationship triangle drama."

I chuckled, "What about it?"

"Clearly, after her appendectomy surgery she tells Finn, that she already made a choice and chose Derek. She even told Addison while on morphine for goodness sakes and she's so happy about it and then it's like Derek doesn't care. Like she chose him but he didn't choose her. Well he didn't choose Addison, since they were filing for divorce..." She ranted.

"Babe, it's a medical drama. At least you can enjoy the medicals in these seasons. Seriously, season 12 and 13 are now full of drama and drama and drama. Like there are surgeries once in a while, but the drama about relationships are annoying me. But whatever it's still a good show." I admitted.


"Is Tracy still on her business trip?"

"Yeah, she is. She won't be back until school is out. Though she did say she will try to make it back on time for your graduation." Claire said.


"I can't believe you're almost done with your senior year." She said and I nodded in agreement, "And I still can't believe we've managed us for the year."

I still nodded my head. Not wanting to tell her what had happened the other day at the hospital when I found the note. "Claire, I need to tell you something." I said, I didn't care about the 'you can't tell anyone' I have to let Claire know so she could also be aware of it.

"What is it?" She asked, with eyes of concern.

"There's a... Threat. I got a note, the day your grandfather went to the hospital. That night after you drove me back to the school for my car. I got a note that said I have to stay away from you, that I couldn't say anything to anyone. But I wanted to tell you so you could be aware. This person, knows about our relationship. And they are willing to expose us and jeopardize your career. And I don't want you to lose what you've been working for, for some simple and stupid mistake."

Claire stayed silent, "...Did you say this was a mistake?"

"Claire... I... I didn't mean it that way, I'm just letting you know to be careful is what I'm trying to say. To me, us, we are not a mistake. I know this relationship is wrong on so many levels and it's a serious risk for your job, and my education. I just want you to be careful. To be aware where we are before acting like a couple."

"Alright." She said as she looked down at her hands.

I grabbed her hands, "I know this is a lot to take in."

She pulled me into a hug, "Thank you, for telling me."

"I know, I broke their rule, but I knew if I didn't, we'd have more trouble."

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