Chapter 6: Is This Love?

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~ Claire's POV ~

I arrived back at my place around 6:00pm. I wanted to drop off all my work stuff and then head over free handed and not having to think about grading papers or next week's lesson plans. I noticed Tracy's car in the driveway. I took out all my stuff and unlocked the front door.

"Hey Trace, I'm home." I said as I walked through the threshold of the door.

"In the kitchen." She said and I walked in, "How was work?" She asked.

"Tiring I've had a rough week, just with grading and students. Not an uncommon thing." I stated.

She nodded and took my thermos out of my hand. Taking it to the sink as I just placed my stuff in the corner by the television. I looked down at my clothing, and decided to stay dressed like this.

"It's Friday, and Juliette texted me this morning during lunch hour and asked if I could come over, nothing special, just want to spend some time with each other since she's been working quite a bit this week."

"Okay, go spend time with her, I won't hold you back." She said.

I rolled my eyes, "I will, I just wanted to drop all my school stuff off before going." I said.

"At least you two are doing good." Tracy said.

I just nodded and walked to the door. I waved to her as I walked out and into my car, driving down to her place. I arrived and walked to her front door and rang the bell, she smiled as she opened, inviting me in, pecking my lips.

I walked in and placed my coat on the rack. She wrapped her arms behind me and kissed my shoulder, "How was your day baby?"

"Long and tiring." I sighed.

"Awe, at least it's the weekend, you get to relax." She said and kissed my neck, and all I did was nod.

Then she led me to the kitchen where she had prepared dinner. I smiled at her as the table looked nicely set up for two.

She lit the candles and I was about to open my mouth to say something, but I felt her finger lightly on my lip. She slipped her hand around my waist as mine ran up her chest to her shoulders. "Now... I know you've had a tiring week ever since Monday. So, I decided to text you this morning to invite you over here, I wanted to do something small and sweet for your rough week. And I know I have been busy most of the week, so I've been leaving earlier than normal. I wanted to make it up to you."

A small smile grew across my lips, sometimes she can be such a pain in the ass and other times, she can be as sweet as candy. "Okay," I said and kissed her lips. Then we sat and ate.

After an amazing dinner, we sat on the couch and watched FRIENDS for the rest of the time. In the living room. I was laying down with my head on her lap, one hand was running through my hair. I could say this evening started out great... I've heard a couple of alerts from her phone, I decided not to ask and continued to pay attention to the TV. I didnt know how long weve been on the couch, but I've noticed she hadn't even looked at the TV for at least ten minutes at all. I shut my eyes for a while and when I opened them the TV was off. I looked around and Juliette was standing by the light switch.

"Hey." I said, "Did you just turn off the TV?" I questioned.

"Yeah, sorry, I though you had fallen asleep I didn't want to wake you. I was feeling tired." She said and then looked at me after checking something from her phone.

"Yeah, me too. I should probably head home, it's getting late." I said and stood up. I took my jacket and she slowly came over and wrapped her arms behind me, slipping the coat out of my hand and placed it back on the rack.

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