Chapter 3: Getting To Know Her

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~ Claire's POV ~

It was the first Friday of the semester. The ending day to the first week of school. The day went by pretty quickly. When the bell rang at 2:35pm, I sighed and watched my students leaving the class. I continued to grade and when I had finished, I walked over to the turn in boxes and collected everything in there, paper clipping them together by class period, I graded about four stacks when I saw it was 4:00pm, I then stacked the rest of them and placing all into my case. I grabbed the rest of my belongings that I had took with me this morning and made my way out the door, out to my car and driving home, where I need to get ready for tonight.

I arrived home at 4:20pm. Walking up to my room, putting all my things away and by my desk. Thinking I could start getting ready at about six, I sat at my desk and continued to grade and enter whatever is needed into the computer.

At about 5:50pm, I've gone through grading the other two periods that I needed and entered two class periods into the computer with comments. Standing up, saving my work and shut my device down and headed towards the shower. Knowing I did take one this morning, I decided to quickly rinse my body to wash off all the work feelings and somehow calm my nerves. I took a long inhale and exhale, before stripping down and getting into contact with the warm water. When I got out, I dried my body, wrapping myself with a towel and started to blow dry my hair. I looked at my phone to see it was 6:45pm. I exited the bathroom and went to my closet. Grabbing a black skirt and a crimson red blouse. I wore the same black heels that I wore this morning and my black leather jacket. I walked to the bathroom again and started to curl my hair and apply on light layers of make-up. Taking on last look in the mirror, and I smiled. I was happy to get my nails done yesterday just French tips, nothing too fancy. Then there was a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hey Claire, I'm home. I'm going to go change. I'll be down the stairs in a couple of minutes."

"Okay," I said while I put my earrings and necklace on.

I exited the bathroom, went to my room and grabbed my purse and keys. Taking my phone out from my jacket to see if she texted yet, and she did about ten minutes ago, From Juliette: On my way.

Then I clicked my heels down the wooden stairs. The clock was 7:25pm. I had about five minutes and checked my purse once more before leaving. The door bell rang a couple minutes later.

"Hey Claire, can you get the door?" Tracy practically yelled from up the stairs.

"Yeah, I got it." I walked to the door and opened it, "Hi, you must be Juliette." I spoke with a smile.

"Yes, the one and only. And I believe Miss Claire Bryant is this magnificent woman standing right in front of me, who also happens to be looking absolutely stunning this evening."

I smiled, "Yes, and thank you. Same goes for you, please, come in." I stepped aside and she took a step in.

Juliette wore a form-fitting black dress that came down to about three inches below her knees, she had on a pair of black heels and her long black hair was lightly curled. She also wore a jacket that covered her sleeveless dress, and also a minimal amount of make-up.

"Let me just tell Tracy that we're heading out. Otherwise, she'll probably freak out if she comes down and I'm not on the couch or something."

"Of course." She chuckled and nodded at me.

"Trace, I'm going out—" before I had the chance to finish my sentence, she yelled from the top of the stairs.

"What?! I bought Chinese!" I heard a small giggle from Juliette.

My mouth was still open to finish the rest of my sentence, "...On a date." I finally completed.

The next thing you could hear, she was bursting her feet down the stairs in her night clothes. And a glare was on her face, looking directly at me. "Wow... you look hot... Anyway, you're going on a date and you didn't even bother to tell me?!"

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