Chapter 13: Final Preparation

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~ Claire's POV ~

We laid on the bed for who knows how long. My phone started to ring. Thank goodness it was on silent, we had fallen asleep on her bed. I slowly released our grip so I could answer the phone. Slowly getting off the bed and heading out in the hallway of her house, I shut the door to her room then answered.

Once I clicked the answer button, Tracy's voice is booming through the phone, "Where the hell have you been?! You know how many times Ive tried calling you?!"

"Umm, one, I'm at my friend's house, you know, the one you met the other time, Amelia. And two, I left a note on your desk."

"Well, I dint see it... Because I haven't been in my room yet."

I sighed, "Really, you call to yell at me for where I've been since yesterday night, and you haven't checked the note that was stuck directly on the center of your desk... aren't you an amazing sister." I said in a monotone voice.

"I... Shut up... I will go do that now." Tracy said. I'm standing in the hall, with my arms crossed, waiting for her, "Oh... yeah, sorry about that."

"It's fine." I said, rolling my eyes before chuckling.

"Well, Ill let you go back to what youre doing. And it is my job to yell at you because youre my little sister and I should be worried."

I smiled, "Yeah, thank you for that."

"Okay, get back to whatever I interrupted you in. Bye. I'll see you at home sometime then."

"Bye, I'll be home by tonight." I said then we hung up.

I shook my head to myself and slowly opened the door and went back into her room. She slowly woke up, "Hi." She said. "What time is it?"

"About one o'clock."


"Yeah." I said. "Okay, how about I go order some Chinese food so we can sit on the couch and eat, watch television."

"Sure." She said and I walked out of the room and dialed the number and ordered our food.

The food came half-an-hour later and we sat on the couch, eating and watching a random movie. The day was relaxing, we stayed at her house till about eight o'clock when I had to leave because we forgot, its Sunday and a school night. Walking to the doorway and my bag was placed next to my extra shoes. Amelias hands were holding mine, she was standing right in front of me and looking into my eyes.

"I had a great weekend with you." She spoke.

"I did too." I smiled, "Well, there's school tomorrow so Ill see you tomorrow Amelia."

"Yeah, have a good night Ms. Bryant." She said and I gave her a look, and playfully swatted her arm.

"Don't say it like that." I said.

"Oh, you love it... and me." She smiled childishly.


"Don't answer that," she suddenly said, eye widening.

I chuckled and she pulled me in for a kiss, "Okay, goodnight baby, Ill see you tomorrow."

"Yep, see you tomorrow." She finished as I walked out the door with my bag in my hand and my keys in the other.

I waited till she shut the door then walked down to my car, unlocking it and placing my things in the backseat. When I shut the door, there was a car that also pulled up to the driveway, opening the garage. I stood and waited till she drove her car into the house before I got in my own car, and starting up my engine, sitting and waiting for it to warm a bit.

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