Chapter 2: My Choice

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~ Claire's POV ~

After that little problem at the school, I drove my car to the automobile place to check my car battery, turns out it needs a change and I feel lucky that I happen to see Amelia at a time like at. I took my purse out to pay the worker. "Thank you." I said and he smiled.

Handing me the receipt, "No problem, have a nice evening." He said as I walked out to my car and got in. I turned on my engine and watched it purr in the best way. I sighed and set my purse in the passenger seat before rearing out of the shop and made my way home.

I arrived and got out of the car, walking up the small steps to the front door, I unlocked it and walked in, "Tracy, I'm home." I said as I closed the door.

"Hey, I heard you had a car problem. Everything alright?" She asked as I entered living room.

"Yeah, the battery ended up dying, which was what I had told you over the phone, I happen to run into one of my students and she helped me jumpstart the car, then I drove straight to an automobile place to check out what happened."

"Awe, sorry that it happened to you on the first day." She said.

"Anyway, how was work at the IMAX?" I asked her as I went to the fridge to get a bottle of water.

"Good, and oh my gosh, you have no idea who I met." She said excitedly as I walked back to the living room and sat next to her on the couch.

"Who?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"The perfect person... I found the perfect person." She said.

"Wow, it hasnt even been five minutes and you're already eyeing over someone." I sighed, she is always this energetic.

"But Claire, I met this amazing person. We went out for coffee, and this person is absolutely wonderful."

"And why are you telling me this? It's your life, date whoever you want." I chuckled. "I'm going to go change." I said and got up, taking my water and the set of work from my students today before making my way upstairs.

She started to follow me, "No, this person isn't for me... This is for you." She said and I froze when I got to the top of the steps.

I turned around and looked at her, "No." I firmly decided as I continued to my room.

"Come on Claire, this person is just your type." Tracy begged me, "Just one date."

I sighed, knowing my sister won't take no for an answer, "Why are you so interested to finding me someone?" I exclaimed.

"Because Claire you're not getting any younger and—"

That's when I stopped her and cut her off as I walked into my room, "Tracy, I'm twenty-four, I do have time, its just I dont want to look of anyone or anything serious right now. And even if I do, I'd rather date someone that I find, not another set up." I said as I changed out of my work clothes and into shorts and a shirt.

"Sis... she's perfect, she's sweet and funny, she works as a vet, happened to come into my office to hand her friend Bobby a packet he left at the vet. We happened to talk and she was off work and we were just getting to know each other and with everything she said, she sounds just your type." Tracy smiled. "Come on, just one date. That's all I'm asking you." She said.

"No, its not going to happen Tracy. You know how struggling I am in a relationship." I sighed and sat on my bed.

"Oh, come on Claire, you have nothing wrong in a relationship, there are many problems that could wreck a relationship, you're not the only one who has struggles. And besides, you just havent found that special person. And maybe this date could help you realize something."

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