Chapter 14: Rumor Has It

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~ Claire's POV ~

Why am I jealous? I trust her... Don't I? I love her. But why am I feeling the rush of jealousy? I couldn't concentrate. The way Adam held her... it pissed me off somehow. His arms were wrapped around Amelia... my girlfriend. I know they're just really good friends, but he could have asked her or he could have hit on her and she would have been afraid to tell me. Am I over thinking this? We both went through all the mess to prove that were meant to be together. And literally proved it to her mother as well... spilling everything out after she had caught us. I shut my eyes and ignored my setting. After a couple of minutes, I reopened my eyes and turned off the computer. I took my coffee thermos, my case of classwork and my bag. Walking out of my room, locking the door and heading to my car. Driving home in a mind full of thoughts.


The weekend flew by pretty quickly. I spent so much of my time grading, entering and making this week's lesson plans for my regular, honors and AP English classes. I buried my head into work and only went outside or downstairs for either fresh air, food or water. I also decided to take a stroll down the park.

It's now Monday and today starts the actual prep for finals. I arrived at 7:15am since I wanted to sort out papers and plan this week. I walked in my classroom and turned on the lights. My desk was a mess, since I left early on Friday, I didn't get a chance to clean it up. Placing my bags, keys, thermos and apple by my computer. I turned it on and sat down. Waiting for it to load. Checking messages and emails on my phone and I saw multiple. My phone had been on silent or either shut off completely, it's been in my bag, away from my presence most of the weekend. My computer screen log in came up and I typed everything in before taking a sheet of paper from the crate, making my way down to the office for copies. I happened to overhear a conversation between two students who came to pick up sport papers.

"Oh my god, did you see the post on Instagram Sarah had placed up from Friday after school?" The black hair girl said.

"Yeah, they make such a cute couple! And that stance he was in when he held her... I wish my boyfriend did that if I were to fall. They look so in love." The blonde agreed.

"Right, that's what I thought. They're both in my AP Government class and they're partnered up for a project. I heard from Lisa that they're dating."

"I can't imagine them breaking up. Though I talked to Sarah last night over the group chat and she said that she asked Amelia and Amelia said that they werent together."

"She's just saying that. Because they don't want others to know. Someone said they saw him leaving her house last week before this thing happened. So, they might be keeping it a secret."

"Probably, I heard he showed up her door over the weekend... anyway, I have to Mr. Brad's classroom to get my make-up work."

"Okay, I'll see you at lunch."

The copies had finished and I walked back to the classroom, keeping my guard up. Why am I so worried? It's just a rumor, it cant be true. It's probably not true. She couldn't have stayed with him or something. They couldn't be dating behind my back... Though could she be though... cheating on me? Damn it, this brings back memories of Juliette that I dont even want to remember at all... You know what, whatever, guess I have to find out myself somehow.

Entering my classroom, the computer had finally boosted up, I went on my grading book to finish entering those grades that I hadn't done. I want to get all caught up before this coming Thursday when all grades are due for students, meaning more piled work. I finished when the five-minute bell rang. Looking at the clock, I sighed and grabbed the warm-ups for this morning. Placing them on the table by the entrance for the students to grab as they walked in.

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