Chapter 30: A Locket Of Love

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~ Amelia's POV ~

The feeling of nervousness I'm getting inside me was something that's struck me. It would be the first time I'm actually meeting Claire's family and I couldn't help but feel a dread of excitement in me to see Claire for her birthday of course. Though I have this terrified feeling when I meet them or something, like who knows how they'll react.

I was looking through my closet to see what I should wear. I found a nice pair of black jeans and a red button up shirt. I grabbed my black leather jacket and my black heels. I managed to take the time and curl my hair and wearing a bit of make-up. I finished getting dressed and looked in the mirror at myself.

"Amy, you ready?" I heard my mom call from down the stairs.

I grabbed the tiny box that held Claire's gift. It wasn't anything special. I was searching on the internet for something interesting and found this idea. It just reminds me of how special she is ever since I met her. I got down the stairs and my mom smiled at me. I followed her to the car and we got in, eventually we pulled out the garage and onto the road.

"I heard her family is coming in town for this." My mom said as her eyes focused on the road.

"Yeah, she told me." I sighed.

"You're nervous, aren't you?"

I just nodded, "Should I be nervous? I just have this vibe..." I said.

"It's okay to be nervous. It just means you're trying to make a good impression." She said.

"Yeah... Any advice."

"Amy, you don't need advice, just be yourself, of course respect everyone there and greet them politely." My mom said basically. "You already know that honey. Just relax, when you see Claire, you'll feel a sign of relief."

"I hope so."

"I know so, she'll be happy to see you."

Speaking of Claire, I felt my phone vibrate and opened it to see a message, 'Are you and Andrea on the way?'

I quickly typed a response, 'Yeah, we just left the house. See you in about ten minutes. <3'

It was difficult to not see Claire every day of this and next week during this time, since there was AP testing going on so it was a weird confusing schedule, since all my test are in the morning, I would miss her classes. Then Coach Glass didn't want to bring up practice since she wanted all of us to study for our exams.

The miles continued and got close to an end as we pulled up around her neighborhood. I was ready to be there and see Claire, giving her the present I got her. I knew she didn't expect me to get her anything. It was too cute of an idea to pass up, and to take her by surprise on her special day.

She is officially turning twenty-five. Oh my, where has the year gone, close to seven years older than me... And of course, some would frown upon the age gap, though to me, it sounds big but it didn't feel like it was. Not long will I be done with high school, graduating in my white gown and off to college in just what could be a snap of a finger... Enough thinking about the future. Let's just focus on the present.

We pulled up to the house not long ago. We got our car and I joined my mother as we made our stride towards the front door of the house. My hands shook with nervousness again.

She rang the bell and a woman about five feet five answered, "Hello, you must be Andrea Lockhart, our family has heard so much about you and your photography, and I bet this is your amazing daughter, Amelia." She said. "I'm Mary Bryant, Claire's aunt."

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