Chapter 29: May I Have This Dance?

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~ Amelia's POV ~

I'm sitting on a chair in my mother's room in front of her, looking straight into the mirror as I see her curling my hair.

"Are you ready?" My mom smiled at me after releasing the last curling piece of my hair.

"I don't know." I said.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

"Yeah," I said, "I'm just... Nervous." I looked at the clock and it's 6:15pm. I still have fifteen minutes before Adam arrives to pick me up.

"So, who's taking you?"

"Adam Hart." I said.

"Awe, is he doing it as a friend?" She asked and I nodded, "That's really sweet of him, shows how caring he is. You two really have an amazing friendship ever since." She said.

"Yeah." I agreed as my mother helped clip on my pearl necklace after I finished putting the matching earrings on.

I stood up and removed my bathrobe as I stepped into my black dress. The dress has a long back and a shorter front. It had pearls lined across the waist. My mom helped zip the back of the dress and she stood behind me and looked at my reflection in the mirror as I wore my black pair of heels. I was looking at myself in the mirror and she smiled at me.

"Honey, you look beautiful." My mom said as she stroked my arms.

"Thanks mom."

"You're going to have a great time." She said, handing me my purse and phone.

I then got a text from Adam: I'm here.

"He's here." I said and my mom started to run down the stairs. I shook my head as I began making my ways. I'm not kidding this woman goes crazy over the most romantic and fabulous things in life. She opened the door and I stood there listening to the conversation.

"Adam," she spoke joyfully.

"Hello, Ms. Lockhart." He said in a nervous but respectful voice.

"Adam, what did I tell you to call me?" She teased.

He rose his hands, "Sorry, sorry... let's try this again." He said, then cleared his throat, "Good evening, Andrea."

She smiled, "There we go." My mom stepped aside and let Adam step in the house.

He looked at me and was completely speechless, "...Wow."

I smiled shyly and looked down at the ground.

"I mean... Wow, you look... magnificent." He said. He looked down at the bouquet of flowers and smiled, "These are for you." He said.

I took them and gave him a hug. "Thank you."

I completely forgot my mother did photography for a second, since I was so nervous. She then clapped her hands together and said, "Pictures." And walked to get her camera.

After what felt like fifty different poses, I linked my arms with his and we walked out of the house to the car. He opened the car door for me and we left to go to the Century Ballroom. When we arrived, he parked the car and went to my side and opened it, holding out his hand. I took it and he helped me out of the car.

We linked arms again as we made our way in with our bags and tickets. When we passed that long waiting ticket line, we checked our items in, to go into safe storage during prom. We then left to go to the table and sit down.

"Wow, this place looks amazing." I said as I looked around. The theme was set in the 1920s. It was a huge place. My eyes wandered the area to see if I could find Claire, although I didn't see her anywhere.

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