Chapter 36: The Wrong Interpretation

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~ Amelia's POV ~

I parked the car across the street from Claire's house instead. I was finally going to do this. I spent my time day and night when I was free building up my confidence to tell Claire. I don't care what happens anymore. I've gotten a total of five notes already and this is it. Everything has been rocky for the past few weeks and now I'm letting it go. I realized I love her, and protecting her career was one thing, but lying about it wouldn't solve this problem. I know I'm taking a risk but it will save what we have... Or save what I hope we still have together.

I took a long deep breath and was about to exit the car when I noticed her front door open. I looked at her door and to my eyes it was Claire and... Juliette. They exited her house and I stared tentatively at them. Claire gave Juliette a hug and watched her walk out and into her own car that was parked on the driveway. I watched as Juliette reared her car and then drove off onto the road. I was shocked. What have they been talking about? Or, what the hell are they doing together? I've met Juliette and she doesn't sound like the most delightful person... I watched as Claire sat on her stoned steps. I texted my mom to let her know I would be staying the night at a friend's. I exited my car and put a little bit more of a slam into shutting the car door than I usually do.

I noticed Claire look up from the ground and saw me. I was ready, ready to explain everything that had happened... I was finally ready to admit my apology for making her wait so long for this description. But to finally come to terms with my own thoughts and threats, to drive to her house and see this. I felt my heart sank. Did she call Juliette? Did something happen? Did she sleep with her because of what had happened to us? I was completely pissed off now. I walked over to her and I felt the tension form so far away. The closer I got, the stronger it got. She stood her ground and her guard was up for sure. I walked over to her and she was about to say something, but before she could say anything, I automatically cut her off.

"What the fuck?" I spoke in disgust.

She hesitated, "Well, isn't that a great greeting to get from a person who decided to coldly ignore me majority of the time."

"Why was she here?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Oh, she's going to play that game, "You know exactly what I mean, why is Juliette at your house?"

"Do I really have to answer that?"

"Yes, why was Juliette here? Did she come to steal you away from me again? To persuade you into bed or something?"

"I might not answer since you've been refusing to tell me shit for the past two weeks." Claire said.

"Well I was going to tell you today, until I came and saw her leaving this house..."

"Well if you wanted to know... I called her here to talk."

I looked at her, "...You called her? To talk about what?"

Claire stayed silent, she didn't say anything and refused to look at me.

"Why Claire? She cheated on you, and she was going to fuckin' rape you if I hadn't showed up that day to return your jacket. She kissed you and begged you to take her back that day, and you rejected it, now you call her... Why?" I was now raging pissed.

Claire stayed silent still and stood up, she walked into the house without another word. She was about to shut the door, but I stopped it with my foot and walked in behind her and closed it.

"You don't get to walk away from me and leave me without an answer."

"...Because I didn't have anything else better to do!" Claire practically yelled out. "You... Ignored me, you were hiding something from me! You know how much pain I was in? I was concerned and I care for you and you kept shutting me out! You hid something for two weeks and when I tried to asked you if you were okay, you would say that you're fine, or that your tired. It's been two weeks Amelia. After AP Exams. What the hell were you afraid of saying to me? Seriously, I don't even know about trusting you anymore Amelia... Whatever your hiding had hurt me, I destroyed my room and cut my hand destroying a mirror because of how broken I became! Whatever you hid sounded like you fucked someone else and didn't tell me or was all guilty that it's haunting you because you know that it was wrong! That's what it sounded like to me, for two whole weeks."

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