Chapter 26: Civilized People

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~ Amelia's POV ~

"Well, isn't this a lovely surprise. What brings you two here on this fine day?" Jessica said as she and Nathan walked up to my mother and I.

"Shopping around." I said.

"We were doing the same." Nathan smiled and nodded to my mother. "Since we're all standing here right now, there's a nice Vietnamese restaurant a few shops down that way, we can all have a meal together, catch up and all." He suggested.

"That is a great idea," Jessica agreed

"It does." I said.

"Great," he said as we all walked to the Vietnamese restaurant in the mall.

We all sat at a table and looked at the menu and then ordered our food. My mother and Jessica ordered noodles while my father and I ordered fried rice.

"Sorry," Nathan said, looking over at Jessica, "How rude am I, this is my wife, Jessica." He said, looking over at us. "you remember Amelia, and this is her mother, Andrea." Of course, now he introduces his wife... I let out a very quiet sigh.

Jessica held out her hand and shook my mother's hand, smiling. So, how's your leg?" Nathan asked.

"It's good, I mean, I'm walking normally and there's no pain or anything." I smiled, lightly.

"That's good to hear."

I nodded, "excuse me, I'm going to go wash my hands." I said and they nodded.

I got up from my chair and went to the restroom. I looked in the mirror as I stood at the sink, taking some soap as I began to wash my hands, trying to think... It makes it hard to accept him in my life again, and now his wife is also another part I could try and accept. I continued to look in the mirror as I scrubbed my hands harder, not realizing I've been standing in here for a while, till I heard the restroom door open. I continued to look at the mirror and noticed Jessica coming over and turned on the water of the sink next to me. I didn't even make eye contact with her as I continued what I was doing. I finally turned off the water and dried my hands with thin paper towels. I smiled at her as I started to head for the door.

"Amelia..." She spoke out.

I let out a breath before I turned around and smiled gladly at her, "Yes?"

"Look, I would like to apologize for suddenly popping up last time, and introducing myself in that sort of form. I sounded quite like the bitch when I said those words to you."

I fake laughed, "It's nothing, it's just taking a little longer to process. It makes it hard to see him again and he just didn't tell me he remarried and all, and instead you had to introduce yourself to me." I said. "But I get it, we just reconnected and all, so he didn't want to bring it up suddenly, just in case. I should have given him time, and I apologize you had to see my attitude towards that night."

"I understand. He's told me this already, about your mom, his ex-wide and you, his daughter. I learned to accept his past. Though that wasn't the best introduction I gave out to you. Your mother sounds like a really caring person. I decided to give those two some time to talk and came in here to wash my hands."

"Same, and also think conversations through, just to not make anything awkward than it already can be. But, I'm trying, to accept you and him... I just need some time."

She nodded and smiled, "We should head back out there, we've been in here for probably five to ten minutes already."

I agreed and we both walked out and I decided to start a conversation with her, "So, you're a surgeon as well?"

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