Chapter 40: In Her Arms Again

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~ Claire's POV ~

I woke to the sounding patterns of rain. I slowly turned my head and noticed Andrea sitting on the chair with a magazine in her hand. She didn't notice me immediately so I let it be. The pain to my abdomen had decreased which was a relief. I looked over at the clock, it was 6:45pm. I suddenly began to cough which got Andrea's attention.

"Hey, you're awake." She said as she poured me a cup of water and I nodded, she handed it to me as I drank it with the straw.

"Where's Amelia?"

"She went to get coffee and find something to eat." Andrea said.

I nodded and the door opened. "Hey, you're awake." Nathan said and Jessica walked in behind him.

"How do you feel?"

"Less pain, the meds are helping." I said and they nodded.

"Claire, she told us the whole story earlier... You know, our daughter really does love you, she's been crying her eyes out non-stop in her Andrea's arms blaming that she started this all, she's the cause of Juliette, she told us about the letters, we all swear to keep it all secretive but she couldn't let the blame go that she should never have met you in the first place." Nathan said.

I knew she loved me, it revealed in her eyes, in her voice, her lips, her movements, emotion... There's so much that gave a sign to her commitment. It breaks my heart to hear Amelia think like that.

"And you really love her." Andrea smiled as I looked up at her, meeting her gaze slowly. "We all could see it." She said.

The door opened and Amelia walked in, she looked at me and I smiled softly at her. I opened my arms and she didn't refused as to climb in the bed, to my non-injured side and laid next to me. She didn't speak and just buried her face into my neck.

"Amelia, honey?" Her mother asked and Amelia slowly looked up to her mom, "I was thinking, after all that non-sense, I would like Claire to stay with us for the time being. Not knowing if her house is still under investigation."

Amelia just nodded and then snuggled back into me. She hadn't spoken after she had cried her eyes out to me a couple hours ago. I glanced down at the girl who snuggled herself in beside me. The girl who held the other half of my heart. I stroked her hair softy. Amelia is strong and independent mostly. None of this was her fault. I feel like all this would have happened either way. Juliette didn't even know Amelia until the night she barged in the room to save me. Juliette had cheated on me. And I feel no matter what had happened, if I hadn't left my coat there, and if Amelia hadn't brought it back. I knew no matter how this ended up... It wouldn't have mattered and I still wouldn't have gotten back with Juliette, especially after what she had placed me through when Tracy left.

"We'll give you two time together." Nathan said as his pager and Jessica's both beeped. "We'll come visit later." He said and I nodded.

Andrea smiled, "Please think about it Claire, I don't know what my little Amelia would do if you didn't stay with us until you are healed."

"What will the officers say?" I asked.

"Non-sense, I know Officer Gill and he knows me. I did a photoshoot of the group police force." She smiled at me. "I asked him and he and Officer Taylor are allowing it. He will call and let you know in a week at least." She said. "I'll leave you two be."

"No, can you stay in here for a bit longer, I'll answer the question." I said and she just nodded. I sighed, looking down at Amelia as I felt her arms tighten around me, "Hey, what's wrong?"

"This is all my fault."

"No. It is not. Amelia, don't be ridiculous." I said.

She didn't say anything to me.

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