Chapter 10: Getting To Know You

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~ Amelia's POV ~

I got home at about 5:00pm, I decided to stay at the library for about two more hours for research on a career project. To be honest, I wanted a job in the medical field, I know how difficult it can be but I wanted to be like my father, an extraordinary surgeon. I know he wasnt the best before he left, or I even vaguely remember him, that showed how absent he'd been in my life. But those times when he was at home, I always heard my dad talking to my mom about all the cases he had that day. I've been looking into the career for how long, and discovered so much.

Knowing how tough it could be, and how much pressure could be on the doctor. But it's worth it if it means you get to save the lives of many people. Knowing not every life could be saved, and that youve tried all you could to save them, but to be proud of the ones you have.

Okay, no more career stuff, let's continue on the day... So anyway, I got back at 5:00pm and noticed a note on the counter when I walked into the kitchen.

'Amy, theres take-out food in the fridge, Ill be at work till seven today. -Mom'

I smiled and took out the food, I sat at the kitchen table eating dinner as I looked over the homework I had. I didn't have much, just some math homework and an art project I have to start looking into. After I finished I went up to my room and began prepping my designs, I honestly didn't know what to do. The project was an independent, so we got to choose what we wanted, and how we got to render it out. I chose to use acrylics and decided to keep colors natural. I just dont know what to paint. Uh... I give up, for now. We didn't need our idea till the end of the week, with three sketches attached. The project itself is due in two weeks.

I leaned back against the chair and sighed, okay, I've been sitting here for the past half-an-hour and can't think of ideas. I took my sketch book out and looked at the uncompleted art that I heeded to finish. I could possibly take an idea from here, these were all just sketches. I closed the book and threw it on the edge of the desk, apparently, I put in too much momentum and it fell to the floor, I groaned and leaned down to pick it up. I placed it back, neatly this time on the edge. I got up and then just flopped onto my bed.

It's still Tuesday. I need to think of something else. My mind wandered to Claire suddenly, and then the flash of our date this Friday. And her coming to pick me up, and... my mom being at home. Okay, I can't just tell my mom I'm dating someone... She keeps thinking I should get together with Adam. And I just feel like we're more workable as the best friends than girlfriend boyfriend type. I could just tell her I'm going out... but she'll suspect something with what I'm wearing. Oh my gosh, what have I gotten myself into? Or... I could tell her that I'm going out with a couple of friends to celebrate a birthday over dinner. Just say I'm taking my car. Claire doesn't have to come in and can just wait for me... but if she walks out and sees my car, still in the driveway, then I'm screwed. Where is a successful plan when you need one?! Or I can still go with the 'friends at a restaurant plan' and say my friend Claire is picking me up...

"Honey, I'm home." My mom called out from down the stairs and I automatically snapped out of my thoughts and panic mode.

My hands rubbed my face. We'll see how it goes tonight before I bring up anything. I got up and walked down the stairs.

"Okay, you won't believe who just got promoted!" My mom said, throwing her arms up in the air.

I just raised my eyebrows at her excitement. I decided to play with her, "Oh my gosh, is it that guy Jack?" I asked, acting shocked and surprised.

"We don't even have a guy named Jack working there." She laughed.

"Oh, is it Mary?" I asked.

"You're a silly goofball." She said and she lightly hit my arm.

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