Chapter 43: Romantic Getaway

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A/N: Hello to all readers out there, we're almost to the end. I can't believe it's close to being over. *Cries* ...So, the next few are, by the title, their honeymoon chapter. And a smut warning, I haven't actually written as descriptive smut for a while and this is such a good time to do so, sadly I didn't go extreme... There will be a bonus chapter after their honeymoon, so we can give these two a true happy ending. Anyway, enjoy!

~ Amelia's POV ~

It's been a week since our wedding and I'm walking around our house and just entered the bedroom looking for a couple of things. "Baby?" I asked.

"Yes?" I heard my wife as she was standing in the room finishing up her packing.

"Have you seen my maroon button-up?" I asked her.

"Yeah, it's right here." She said as she went over to my pile of clothes that were on the bed, she went through about five of my other clothes till she held it up.

I sighed, "I checked the laundry room, the closet like ten time and that pile, why do you have to find it in only five seconds."

She chuckled and set it down, "You're rushing." She said and walked over to me. "And plus, you're basically triple checking all your things. It's only 8:00am."

"Our flight is at 11:10pm today."

"I know. You should relax a little, and then finish packing." She said.

I looked out at our balcony and she smiled, "Come on, it's a nice day outside. Let's sit out there for a while." Walking outside to the bali-style sun day bed lounge sofa. She sat down and pulled me onto her lap. We looked out to our backyard and she smiled as her chin rested on my shoulder.

"You always know how to make me relax." I said.

"Anything for you my love."

"I love you so much." I said.

She smiled and looked at me, "I love you too."

I got off her lap and walked over to the railings of the balcony and leaned against it. I see her looking at me, the next minute she was behind me. Her arms rested on my waist.

"Are you ready?" She asked me.

"Ready for what?"

"Spending nine nights of ten days in Paris?"

I smiled, she knew I've been wanting to go ever since she went on that business trip back when I was a senior in her class. So, when after I had proposed to her, we basically spent the next six to eight months planning the wedding and honeymoon. My head looked over to hers, "If it means I get to cherish every moment with the woman I love, then of course."

She chuckled and shook her head at the sappiness and kissed me. "Okay, let's finish packing though." She said and I nodded in agreement and we walked back in as we both folded the rest of our clothes and placed them in our suitcases. Walking down the stairs we left it all by the couch, with the folder of the flight tickets and the hotel, plus all the possible places to go and all the eatery destinations.


The bell rang at 10:00pm. I walked over to open it. My mom smiled on the other side and came in to hug me, "Hello."

"Hi." I said then she walked over to hug Claire.

"Okay, are you two ready? Do you have everything? Phones, chargers, all the clothes you will need, other things relating to your romantic trip? Tickets for flights, hotel name, addresses?"

"Mom... Mom we're good." I said.

"I'm just trying to make sure you didn't forget anything. Ooh passports?"

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