Chapter 25: Assisting Coaches

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~ Amelia's POV ~

Practice ended at about 11:00am. We just reviewed the court areas a bit, and practiced swings and hits with the racket, back and forth on the court in groups and teams. I sighed as I grabbed my water bottle and took a sip. All the teammates left already. I stayed a little longer since Coach wanted to talk... and waiting to walk out with Claire, but Coach Glass doesn't have to know that, I took my tennis racket and one of the tennis balls and began bouncing it on my racket, seeing how many I can get without it dropping to the ground. I began reviewing other drills that we haven't gotten to yet, but what else was I supposed to do? I couldn't leave, and even if she didn't need to talk to me, my mom is at work so there's no point in coming home to an empty house, when I can be spending it with my girlfriend. After ten more minutes of individual practice, I was placing my gear away and still waiting for Claire, who was talking to Coach Glass and going over charts and all, probably planning next practice.

I noticed Claire glance at me and smiled, she waved me over to where they stood. I gave her a curious look and she nodded still waving me over, so I jogged over to them.

Coach Glass smiled at me, "You've shown amazing skills out there today. Better than what I saw from the rest, and through the other three years that I've known you from being on the team, you've improved, where did you manage to get some practice time in?" She asked me.

I sighed, "Umm, I've been spending some time at the indoor tennis practice court around town, I usually just take a room and practice swinging and other techniques, then there were a couple of co-workers that I met, and sometimes when they're shift is over they'd come and have a little one on one game with me."

"Well, you are doing excellent, and those skills I just saw a few minutes ago were exquisite. I might have you help out a little with a few of the girls just so they can get extra practice in. I hope you are as excited as we all art to begin this season. Your last season for high school, let's make it your best."

I nodded, "Yes, I am, very much. Thank you, Coach Glass and Coach Bryant." I smiled.

"Great, well I won't hold you here anymore. Have a great rest of your day, Ms. Davis. I'll see you back here again tomorrow morning for more practice."

I nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow then." I looked at Claire and smiled at her.

She waited for Coach to leave and got out of sight before she started to talk, "Yes, magnificent skills that you never told me about yesterday." She said.

I smiled and stuck my tongue out at her, "I said it was a surprise for you to see me here. Like a surprise to hear that you played tennis during high school and college."

She rolled her eyes, "So, want to come over?" She asked.

"I was waiting for you to say that, my mom is at work." I said, "Anyway, I am heading to the car first, I'll meet you there."

She nodded and I grabbed my bag, and began walking to my car. Upon reaching it, I opened the trunk and placed my gear in. Taking out my phone and started to check for any messages and notifications. I climbed into my car, placing the key in but didn't crank it up. I took my charging cord out of the glove compartment and plugged my phone in and the other end into the stereo. I sat in my car looking through my playlist of music and started to play whatever I had created. I slowly increased the volume and was nearly blasting it through my speaker system. I knew every song word by word and basically singing to it. After two songs have passed, I looked up from my phone and noticed Claire walking over to my car. She raised an eyebrow probably seeing me dancing and singing. I just laughed and rolled down my window as she walked by. I continued to sing and she shook her head. I finally turned down the volume after singing the chorus for the second time.

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