Chapter 20: Nathan

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~ Amelia's POV ~

I walked down the stairs at about 4:30pm on a Friday, in a pair of white shorts and a white t-shirt. My hair was up in a high ponytail. I had my tennis bag in my hand and walked to the fridge for a bottle of water.

"Hey, I'm going out to the tennis place to practice." I said.

"Okay honey, just be careful out there." My mom said as she was sitting at the kitchen counter editing pictures. "Call me if you need anything."

"Okay, bye mom." I said as I grabbed my keys and walked out the door and into my car.

I turned on the engine and cranked up the volume of the radio. Smiling as I reared the car out of the driveway, heading to the building. I drove for about half-an-hour till I got there. Parking the car by the building. I took my tennis bag out and walked into the building.

"Hey, Amy." Tom, the man at the counter greeted me.

"Hey Tom, how's it going?" I asked as I approached the desk to hug him.

"Good, and yourself?"

"Decent enough." I chuckled.

"So, my shift is over now, Kai is in the back and is going to take the front desk anyway, so, want to play a match?" He asked and smiled at me.

"Sure, you're on." I smiled and he grabbed his bag as we made our way up to the fifth-floor court.


We played two long matches and we finally called it off. Tom had overruled me by a couple points. I took my towel and wiped my forehead, then opened my bottle to get a drink of water.

"Good game." Tom said as he walked over to me and gave me a pat on the back as he stretched.

"Yeah, man you are a tough guy to beat." I breathed.

He chuckled, "Next time."

I laughed and nodded. I turned on my phone and checked my messages. I got a text from Claire. I smiled and replied. I looked at the clock it was 6:30pm. I sighed and placed my stuff in my bag.

"How's the family?" I asked.

"They're good. The kids love coming back to school. Quinn is also doing well." He smiled, "You know, you should come over and visit. The kids would love to see you."

I smiled, "Probably sometime over the summer." I said and he nodded.

"How's Andrea?"

"She's good, she's still doing photography."

"Cool," Tom said. "Oh, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"Yeah," I said.

"My son was playing basketball with his friends and some kid happened to body slam into him and he hit his head on the concrete. We rushed him to the emergency room. And we happened to get a neurosurgeon named Nathan Davis."

"He's my father." I said.

"I just thought, you wanted to know. I'm sorry if I brought it up." Tom said.

"No, don't worry about it." I said. "So, he ended up moving and working here in Seattle." He only nodded. I checked my phone and replied to another text I had gotten from Claire, saying she's going to come over. I smiled and then turned to him. "Thanks for the match, I had fun. Well, I have things to do, so I have to head back home. I had fun. Thanks Tom."

"No problem, Amelia. Anytime you need a match just come and visit me and the group at the front desk." He smiled. He gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. "Have a good weekend, girl."

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