Chapter 34: Neutral Expression

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~ Amelia's POV ~

It was Tuesday, the 16th of May, I walked through the halls of the school at 7:40am. I really don't want to deal with anything anymore. The five-minute bell rang as I shut my locker and started to walk to her class. Should I ditch? I don't even want to see her after last night. I don't know how to feel anymore.

We're not even doing anything in the class except reading our books. I walked in the class and took out my earbuds. I don't even want to speak to her until I figure all this shit out. I sat at my desk and placed my earbuds in my ears. I took out my book and began reading. I tuned out her voice, I tuned out the loudness of the class. I just sat here and read my book and taking notes.

Looking at the time, I noticed I only had two minutes of class left. The time flew by quickly. Taking my earbuds out and placing my things in my bag to head to Chemistry. When the bell rang I sped off without even looking back.


The bell to lunch rang and I stood up grabbing my things.

"Hey Amelia." I heard and turned my head to see Adam catching up to me.

"Hi." I said.

"You seem tense, what's up?"

"Nothing, just tired and all."

"That doesn't feel like tiredness, it looks more like stress." He said.

"Yeah, that too..." I added.

"What are you doing for lunch?"

"Nothing, probably sitting at the bench reading and eating."

"Do you want to hang out, I'm going to the fast food restaurant across the street. Want to come?" He asked.

I thought, not knowing if I should go. But who cares, it's just lunch, "Sure."

We walked to our lockers and dropped some things off and walked across the street. There weren't that many people here right now, thank goodness. We both ordered and sat down at a booth.

"So, how are you?" I asked him.

"Good, can't you believe we only have about a month left of school?"

"Yeah, then we'll be graduating."

"I know, did you go to the meeting to get the info and your gown?" He asked me.

"Yeah." I said. He's been checking up on me for a while and smiles at me every day. He really is a good friend. "...Can I ask you something?" I hesitated.


"We haven't brought it up ever since, but the night of prom..." I said.

He instantly knew what I was talking about, "I'm sorry... I just thought..."

I just smiled at his nervousness, "Don't worry Adam, it's fine. I just wanted to tell you I'm already with someone else, they were sick the week of prom and when you asked me I accepted it. But I'm sorry, I should have told you I'm involved with someone else."

It was silent for a while. A small smile grew across his cheeks and he nodded, "Don't feel sorry for yourself. I'm happy you found someone. I've never said anything about this, is that I've liked you ever since, but didn't want to break our friendship. And I just thought... prom would be the night I finally got to tell you how I feel. I should have asked if you were taken before I even asked you to prom. And I blame myself for doing something like that after I drove you home because I asked you as a friend."

"Adam..." I said.

He's acting all shy again, "No... after you walked into the house that night I sat in the car smiling. You changed the subject... I could tell you have someone else... now I may not know who they are but I just hope they make you happy."

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