Chapter 11: A Perfect Saturday

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~ Claire's POV ~

I awoke to the shining brightness of the sun that lit the room. Squinting at the morning light, adjusting myself on the bed in a more comfortable position. I found that the other half was empty, and for a second I couldn't remember where I was. I slowly sat up and looked at the clock, it was already 10:00am. Wow. I got out of the bed and walked out of the room and down the stairs. I noticed Amelia in the kitchen and walked up behind her, and slowly slid my arms around her waist.

"Morning." I said and rested my chin on her shoulder.

"Morning," she responded and pecked my lips as she nodded over to the plate on the counter table. "Breakfast and coffee." She smiled.

I let go of the embrace and sat at the counter, beginning to eat. She joined me across the table. "Not hungry?" I asked her.

"Already ate, I woke at about 9:30am and didn't want to wake you so I decided to head down the stairs and whoop up some coffee and breakfast." She said.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked, "We could walk around the area, have some fun, I know some good places we can head to."

"Sure, that sounds nice." She said.

"Great, we'll leave and stop at my place for a few minutes then we can go."

"I'm cool with that." Amelia said as I finished the last of the eggs, she took the plate and when I handed it to her, placing it in the sink and washed it.

"Oh, dress comfortably, wear something dark, sweatpants, long sleeve shirt, socks and tennis shoes and lastly a jacket with a hood. Also, have your hair in a ponytail. And take a bag of extra clothes and shoes, like jeans and a t-shirt just in case. I recommend wearing tennis shoes the entire day though," I smiled.

When she was done she turned to me and gave me a curious look, leaning against the counter, "That's a very specific list... where are we going?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You'll see." I kissed her cheek and went up the stairs.

"Tell me." She begged.

"No," I smiled without looking at her.

"Oh yes you will." She said and I turned to see her running after me up the stairs.

I started jogging up the stairs quickly and she began catching up, we made it into her room and she tackled me onto the bed. I chuckled loudly and she playfully pinned me to the bed, both of us panting.

"That was fun, but I'm still not telling you." I smiled. She pouted and I just laughed, "Now... How do we get that pout off your lips?"

"You... could tell me." She smiled.

"Haha, not yet." I said and she went back to pouting. I pulled her into a loving kiss. When we parted I looked at her.

"...Okay, I'll stop pouting." She said and finally gave in. I smiled and pecked her lips once more and we changed.


After she had finished changing, we climbed into my car and drove down to my place. Arriving, I invited her inside the house. She smiled and sat on the couch and I ran up the stairs and changed into a set of new clothes, grabbing my bag that I had prepared yesterday before the date. I was thinking last nights dinner, I would have invited her out today and came to pick her up, but since her mom wasnt home, I stayed the night. Doesn't matter how this was played out, this plan was still full-proof. I came back down five minutes later all set and ready.

"Okay, I'm ready. Let's go." I smiled. We exited the door and entered the car. I drove down to my friends house, who lived about a few blocks away.

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