Chapter 7: Love And Betrayal

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~ Claire's POV ~

I was driving. Driving. Just driving. My eyes are probably puffed up with tears. I'm holding myself back from shedding any more. I decided if I kept driving like this, I'll probably crash, so I decided to stop at a nearby neighborhood, parking my car, I turned off the engine and looked at my hands... they were shaking. I feel claustrophobic and need to move... Getting out of the car, I took my purse and placed it in the trunk, remembering to place my phone and car keys in my pocket before closing it. Slamming it, then walking the unfamiliar neighborhood. I walked. Just walked straight ahead. Not even know where I am, I just wanted to walk, move around, distract myself, needing a change of scenery.

I somehow ended up at a nearby park. I walked down the curving paths till I found an empty bench to sit at. Sitting down, I ran my hands over my face and through my hair. How did I not know this was coming? Or how did I not actually say something instead of letting it go, like I always do? Sighing, I buried my face in my hands, to hide my face, hide the tears that I know will come, hide the pained look in my eyes. I felt tears beginning to run, slowly making its trail down my cheeks. Leaning back on the bench, one hand crossed over my stomach as the other propped and covered my lips. And all my eyes did was look out on the empty path of the park. I could see a playground a few yards away, watching the kids swing and slide, running around on woodchips.

From a closer distance, I heard footsteps coming along this path. Maybe some exerciser, a runner probably. I looked back down at my hands and watched as they continued to tremble. I suddenly noticed a shadow below, standing in front of me. My eyes stayed to the concrete floor, hoping they'd walk away or something. But after a minute of not seeing the figure move, I sniffed and wiped my tears. Looking up, I was expecting someone like Juliette to go after me, somehow find my car and follow my path to come and apologize... but no, I saw a different woman in front of me.

"Claire... are you alright?" Amelia asked me.

"Yeah..." I sniffed. "I'm fine... I'm good." My voice cracked at the end, knowing already that shes not going to believe me.

She was in a sports bra and a pair of running sweats, her hair tied up and everything. Seeing her eyes, yeah, its obvious that she didnt believe me. And she was sweet as she sat next to me. To my surprised she took my hand in hers.

"What happened," She asked softly.

"I-I don't want to talk about it." I stuttered.

"Okay." She said and stayed sitting next to me, still holding my hand in hers.

"Are you just taking a run?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I just wanted to take a run around the neighborhood. Just jogging and getting some exercise in."

"Oh, you jog?" I asked her.

"Well... no it's mostly endorphins, that's why I jog a mile or two every weekend around the afternoon, it helps me with stress." She said. "...I know this would be an inappropriate thing to ask, as that I am your student... but would you like to go somewhere else? My place is close to this park. If you'd like to come over and discuss and have more privacy. I'm completely okay with it," She suggested.

I sat there, not knowing how long, but that suggestion is still on the table... my mind is just distracted. I didnt know that I was back to crying, when I felt her thumb dry the running droplet. I watched as she unzipped the pockets of her sweats, pulling out a small pack of tissues. Handing me one as I took it and dried the tears. I just decided that I need someone to talk to. If I went home to talk to Tracy, she'd think it was her fault for setting me up. And I need a better place to sit than a park bench. I looked over at Amelia and slowly gave her a nod. As we both stood up and walked to the exit. She walked with me till I got to my car.

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