Chapter 19: Back To School

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A/N: Hello to all my fellow readers, just wanted to say that this chapter is a bit shorter than the usual writing. And since I'm writing this... I'll add in a smut warning that will appear in this chapter. Hope you enjoy. :)

~ Amelia's POV ~

My alarm rang loudly. I was under my blanket trying to find the switch to the beeping noise. I hit the snooze and lifted my pillow to peek at the clock. Six-thirty in the morning. I groaned ad got out of my bed. It's already Monday. We need a time machine to rewind back to break. Getting off the bed and heading in the shower. After I got out, I wore a red button-up, a creamy white scarf, a black skirt and black two-inch heels. Drying my hair and curling the ends. I walked down the stairs and went to the fridge grabbing out a bottle of orange juice.

"Morning mom." I smiled.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" She asked as she placed a plate of breakfast on the counter.

"Good." I answered as I sat down and began digging into my eggs.

"I have to be at work longer than usual today, but there's left over stir-fry and noodles in the fridge from yesterday's dinner." My mom said as she sat down and ate her oatmeal.

"Okay," I responded.

I finished eating my breakfast as I washed the plate before taking my water bottle, drinking it and then grabbing my bag.

"Okay, I'm head now. Bye mom."

"Bye sweetie, have a nice day." She said as I walked out the door and into the car.

I drove down to the school and of course, the first day back is always traffic. I'm sitting in my car and listening to music as I just rock and lip sync. After I hit another waiting red light I continue singing the cover to this song.

Cherry lips, crystal skies

I could show you incredible things

Stolen kisses, pretty lies

You're the Queen, baby, I'm your King

Find out what you want

Be that girl for a month

Wait, the worst is yet to come, oh no

I continued to sing and my eyes looked over and see a familiar red car next to me. I saw the woman looking at me, I lifted my shades and my lips stopped mid-lyric as my face just shot up in a smile instead. I could see her shaking her head as she is probably laughing it me. I give her one more look before I continued to sing. Not caring as the light finally turned green and I drove down to the school and into student parking.


I arrived at the school at about 7:30am, like usual. Sitting in my car for a while I decided to head online and double check my schedule. All my classes are still the same except for 6th period. Looking at the class, I realized I asked the councils to switch me out of P.E. since I just completed my semester, and become a teacher's aide. I smiled and grabbed my bag and made my way to my first period.

The bell rang as I entered my English class. I sat down at my normal seat and got out my materials. "Good morning, Ms. Bryant."

"Hi Amelia, I see you've been very joyful this morning?" she asked, flashing me a grin.

"...Umm," I started and she chuckled.

"Don't worry, I do the same thing sometimes."

"I didn't expect you to see that... actually I wasn't expecting your car next to me." I said. "It's surprising."

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