Bonus Chapter: The Joy Of Being Together

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A/N: Well, this is it. The last chapter. After this, the book is complete. Hope everyone enjoyed it. And thanks for reading. :)

~ Amelia's POV ~

<> Ten Years Later <>

I sat at my desk looking through folders of my first official case as an attending that I have to handle. It's already been ten years after the wedding and honeymoon, I had gone back to continuing my medical education. After I finished the last three years of medical school, Claire transferred from teaching at the same high school and became a university professor. Then I continued to my seven years of neurosurgical residency. I can't believe it... I'm finally a surgeon. In my father's footsteps.

Setting the files down and stretching my arms and body, staying in my chair. I suddenly heard the front door open and tiny footsteps running over to me, "Mama!"

I stood up and saw two little youngsters running up to me, hugging my legs. I smiled, crouching down to their level as the two little ones hugged me.

"How was your day?" I asked.

"Good." Five-year-old Tyler said.

"We just came back from the store with mommy." Seven-year-old Megan answered.

"Okay." I smiled.

"Come on Megan, let's go watch TV." Tyler said as he looked at his older sister.

"Yeah," she agreed, as they turned to kiss my cheek and zoomed their little feet off towards the couch.

I chuckled at the energy they had. I sighed and sat back down on my chair. If only I had that much energy these days.

I turned to look at the picture frame beside my desk, it was a photoshoot my mother wanted to take of the family. It was last year, a photo of Claire and I sitting together with Megan on Claire's lap and Tyler on mine, we were all smiling in happiness. I leaned back against my chair again, closing my eyes this time. I suddenly felt two hands running over and started slowly massaging my shoulders, then ran down my arms. I smiled, my eyes still closed as I heard a whisper near my ear.

"Hello, Dr. Bryant." She said.

I opened them and turned towards my wife, kissing her lips, "And a hello to you, Professor Bryant, how were the kids?"

"Full of energy as always." She chuckled. "So... You ready for tonight?"

I just remembered we have a dinner gathering with the family at our house tonight for the celebration of my successful achievement of becoming a neurosurgeon. "...A little, I'm nervous," I said.

"What's there to be nervous about? You achieved your dream of becoming a neurosurgeon, je suis si fier de toi, mon amour (I am so proud of you, my love)."

"Merci, ma femme (Thanks, my wife)." I whispered and she kissed my lips again.

"Okay, come and help me get ready, it's almost 4:30pm and time flies. They're all coming at about 5:30pm to 6:00pm." Claire said.

"Sure," I said as I walked into the kitchen and began helping to set up the table as she cooked.


I was upstairs in our room looking in the mirror, the family had arrived in expected time range and the kids were full of more energy to see them all. I looked in the mirror to see the dress I decided to wear for the dinner.

Smiling to myself, I walked down the stairs. "Aunt Amelia!" I heard.

"Lilly." I smiled and hugged her, "Oh my gosh, you're so grown up."

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