Chapter 38: Plots and Explanations

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A/N: Hello! To all readers out there, well here it is... the big reveal of how it all happened. Feel free to leave comments on your thoughts. Enjoy!

~ Juliette's POV ~

I sat I my car, across the street from Claire's home. It was Sunday, the 28th of May. It was 8:30am as I stared at the window of Claire's bedroom. I noticed Amelia's car parked on the driveway, meaning she had stayed the night. I know what I'm about to do... And I know what it can cost me, though it's too late to turn back. I sat here thinking of everything... all of my thoughts.


~ Flashbacks ~   

I sit day and night planning how I'm winning Claire back. She works at a high school. I've been there before to give her some coffee. That girl does look young, probably sixteen or seventeen. Either way she looks like a high school student. I decided to do a little spying myself. Time by time I would come after school and park my car in a student parking area, that's closest to the teacher area. I did notice a girl walking out with Claire one day. Probably some student she was explaining some things to, no big deal. But my eyes caught sight of her kissing the girl at the parking lot. As they took their separate ways I looked closer and noticed the girl seemed awfully familiar, but I didn't want to call anything too soon.

After one long week I went to the space needle to watch the sun set. It was absolutely a great view. I had sunglasses and a hat on, my hair was in a ponytail and I dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I stood on the edge view of the Space Needle. Looking out and texting Bobby. I was surprised when I saw Claire come in through the elevator. Her and some girl were holding hands. I eyed them suspiciously. I walked to one of the edges that were a bit closer and had them in perfect view, my sunglasses were on so it's not like they'll notice if I look. I saw the girl place her hands on the railing as Claire's arms wrapped around her waist from behind. I watched as Claire kissed her temple. I started to hear them speak as I tuned into the conversation.

"What?" Claire asked.

"God, do you have any idea how absolutely perfect, you are?" The girl smiled.

"Where did-"

"Where did I hear that? The morning after, when I stayed with you at your house after that time, then when I came down your sister was super confused and started to question why and who I was." She chuckled.

"So... You heard me that day."

"Yeah, that morning I felt you snuggle into me, then you placed a kiss on my forehead and said those words. I couldn't help but fall for you more. I fell for you ever since we met, and thought I was crazy, but no. That evening when I helped you jumpstart your car the first day because I had accidentally fallen asleep in my car after school got out... you were all stressed, and it just surprised me that whoever I happen to be helping turned out to be you." So, she does go to the school Claire teaches at, interesting.

I heard Claire chuckle, "Well, I'm lucky as well, because if it wasn't for you we wouldn't have gotten here."

I watched as they kissed before turning back and watching the great sunset. They later laced their fingers and began heading down the building. I followed them a few yards away.


After a little while and a bit more spying I figured out the girl. It turns out she is the exact girl I met that day. She's a senior. A star student with a high record GPA. This girl is the brain. Her name was Amelia Davis.

I stood outside the school waiting for a girl to walk by. She walked up to me and held out her hand. I placed exactly one-hundred dollars in the girl's hand.

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