Chapter 41: A Graduate's Happiness

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~ Amelia's POV ~

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. I just finished curling my hair. I let my hand run through the curls, smiling to myself as I studied my reflection. I feel happy and joyful, everything just felt perfect. I wore only a light coat of foundation, mascara and lipstick. I walked into my room and looked at the gown on my bed and the cap with the tassel on it. Our school colors were red and white. Us girls got to where the white gowns as the guys where the red. I took my dress out of my closet and wore it, then I slowly picked up my gown and put it on. I let out a breath as I took my graduation cap. My hands were shaking as I slowly put it on. Today is the day. I'm officially graduating.

I can't believe I finished all four years of high school... after I get my diploma and shake the principal's and vice principal's hands, I've officially done it. Graduate high school. Next step... off to college. Ready to go, meet new people, new friends and of course... it means Claire and I can be completely public.

"Amy! Get down here! We're going to take pictures before we go." I heard my mom call from down the stairs.

I finished putting on my heels as I started to run down the stairs. I got down and I saw no one in the kitchen or living room. I suddenly felt an arm around my upper body and under my knees, lifting me up, my hands quickly went up to the person's neck.

"Oh my gosh, you scared me." I said and then she placed me down.

"You're not the only one who can scare. Roar!" My dad suddenly jumped out from the coat closet.

He startled me but I ran and jumped into his arm, "You're here. You're here. You're here." I said and he spun me around.

"Yes I am."

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Tracy is heading there right now, her boyfriend Peter is meeting her there, and Jessica just got off work," my mom said.

"Today's the big day." My dad said.

"Hell yeah, it is." I said.

Everyone chuckled, "That our girl." My mom said.

Claire walked over to me and her hands were on my waist, I tipped my head back, moving my cap up a little more before she kissed my lips. A few flashes started to go off from the camera and I started to chuckle. She pulled away and pecked my lips once more.

"Honey, we're so proud of you." My mom said and I hugged her and my dad, giving them both kisses on the cheek and then I looked at my phone.

"Alright, the ceremony starts in one hour and I need to be there in thirty minutes." I said.

"Okay then, let's go." My dad said, "Oh, honey. We have dinner reservations with everyone after the ceremony."

"Okay," I said.

"Sweetie how about you come with me." Claire said.

"Are you sure? You know you're still Ms. Bryant until I get my diploma." I half-teased yet half-serious.

"Whatever, just get in my car." She said.

I smiled and hopped into the passenger seat. She got in and held one of my hands as she drove to the graduation building.

"Claire, baby, you're shaking." I said.

"Oh," she said.

"I feel like I should be the one that's shaking." I said.

"No, you have to be brave and look confident when getting your diploma, no nervousness." She said.

"Alright." I said.

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