Chapter 18: New Year, New Start

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~ Amelia's POV ~

I finished getting ready and buttoned the sleeve to my dress shirt. I finished combing the curls of my hair and then walked down. My mom smiled, "Where's Claire?" She asked.

"She just texted me ten minutes ago, she's on her way." I said.

"Okay," my mom said.

"...I'm sorry mom." I said. "I didn't mean to be rude about the albums and then walking out on you." I said.

"It's okay, honey. I know it's hard." She hugged me and smiled.

"Do you think dad will ever come around one day?" I asked her.

"I'm not sure honey." She sighed. "Hopefully, one day he'll come around, or we meet him somewhere."

I just nod. The bell rings and I walked over to answer it. And of course, it's my girlfriend standing on the other side of the door. "Hi." I said.

"Hi," she came in and gave me a quick kiss, she looked over, "Andrea." She greeted.

"Claire." My mom said, "Okay, are we ready to go?" She asked.

"Yes. Who's car?" I asked.

"We can take mine." My mom said.

"Okay." We both said as we made our way out. My mom got in the driver's seat, and then Claire and I both sat in the back.

"So, who's Bella?" Claire asked me.

My mom smiled and I noticed her eyes look at us in the rear-view mirror. "She's my co-worker, her and her husband, Henry, came from Britain. They've lived here for a year. Very amazing people. Henry is also a photographer, just working in a different line."

"Ahh." Claire said.

We arrived at Bella's house... or should I say mansion. Claire and I walked out after my mom shut off the engine. We walked up to the double doors and knocked.

A bodyguard let us in and Bella came over, "You're here!" She said and came over to hug my mom.

"Yes. You remember Amelia, and this is her partner, Claire." My mom said.

Bella comes over to hug me tightly, and then to my surprise she gives Claire a hug too. "Claire, nice to meet you." She smiled. Claire smiled and replied back.

I walked to my mom, "Partner?"

"Well, it's better than saying 'friend' or 'girlfriend' it's more centered. So, it could be leaned either way." My mom whispered.


"Well, have fun, make conversation, enjoy yourselves, there's food in the kitchen and out back, there's a bar right over there if you wanted any drinks." Bella said. And my mom walked in further ahead with her as they started to make conversation.

"I'm going to grab some apple cider." I said. "Want one?"

"I'll come with you." Claire said as we both walked over to the bar.

We walked over to the bar, "What can I get you ladies?" The bartender asked.

"I'll have an apple cider." I said.

"I'll have beer." She said.

"Coming up." He said as he started to get the drinks.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked her.

"I don't know, we can go grab some food, come back to this area and eat. Since it's a huge party, it's not like we have to make conversations with many people." She said.

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