Chapter 27: School Related Activities

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~ Amelia's POV ~

The sweat, the tiredness, the lack of hydration, I'm completely beat. Today was our first tennis match of the season and I'm surprise to day our team was doing good for a first game. Though our opponent was as competitive. We ended on a tie. And to say that I'm the one that's going to have to set the tiebreaker is a pain. And definitely the most difficult opponent as well. I swear she was as good as me, maybe even better. Her name was Shay Brooke, a top tennis competitor at her school. The score was tied and I need to do is win majority of this round then we win. We've reached six games and a tiebreaker is determined. I really dislike tiebreakers. I was told to serve the first point from the forehead court. And we kept going. The next two points were served by Shay from the backhand court and then the forehead court. I served the fourth and fifth point from left court then the right. Then the last sixth and seventh point were served by Shay. After a one hell of a battle, I finished the game off with a win. Earning a score of 21-19. After the win had been announced my team screamed in victory as I walked to the center of the court with Shay and shook her hand.

"Nice game." I smiled.


"Yeah, you have got some skills." She said. "How long have you been playing?"

"Ever since freshman year of high school."

"Nice." She said.

We gave each other a hug and then walked back to our own teams as my teammate come running and surrounding me with arms as they all jumped around in excitement.

"We did it!!" Lisa yelled.

"Yeah we did." Coach Glass smiled as she and Claire walked over to us. "How about we all head out to dinner to celebrate our victory?"

"Yeah!!!" Our entire team yelled. We all went to grab our bags as I felt too tired to move and decided to sit at the chair instead.

"I think you need this." I heard as I turned my head to see Claire walking over to me with my water bottle and bag, she tossed me the water and I took a long and refreshing sip.

"Thank you."

"You did amazing out there." She said, sitting next to me.

"Thanks, Shay is very competitive and tough." I breathed.

"Yeah, but it's worth the competitive skill to win." She smiled.

We sat here in silence as the teams grabbed their things. "Claire, Amelia." We looked over and noticed Coach Glass calling at us. "You two coming?" She asked.

"Hell yeah we're coming." I said as I stood up.

Claire chuckled and stood up as well, she wrapped a friendly arm around me and smiled, whispering into my ear, "I'm proud of you."

"Thank you." I whispered and grinned widely.


We walked into my house at about 10:00pm. I am officially exhausted. After closing the door, we walked into the living room to see my mom siting at the couch watching Grey's Anatomy.

"Oh my gosh, don't tell me you just started season 11 of this series..." I said.

"No, I'm actually watching the season finale of 11." She answered.

"Wow you're slow, catch up to season 13 so I can rant to you about everything that's going on at the moment. And to feel my pain." I said.

My mom looked at me, "You know I have a job, right?"

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