Chapter 15: Roses For You

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~ Amelia's POV ~

The next day, I'm standing outside the entrance of the school double doors. I'm trying to breathe before I walk into her classroom. My hand was slightly shaking, I've never been this nervous to do something like this. I walked through the doors and headed straight to her room. It was 7:20am. She's usually here at this time. I came to her classroom door, it was cracked open slightly and I could hear her voice inside the room. I leaned against the wall right outside of her classroom, smiling to myself.

Yeah and my head keeps spinnin'
You got me trippin'
There's something about the way you move
Yeah, every little single thing you do is like
One part angel and one part danger
But, oh, the kind of crazy I like
You got me losing my mind
I'm losing my mind!

It's getting hard to sleep
Getting hard to think 'bout much these days
'Cause everywhere I go
Only thing I see is your glowing face
And the way you light up every room you walk into
Just makes me want to scream

I peaked in her classroom and noticed she was filing papers in the cabinet. I slowly walked in her classroom and brought the door stopper in, the door shut and I placed my backpack on the ground. She turned around and was still singing as we looked at each other.

Yeah and my head keeps spinnin'
You got me trippin'
There's something about the way you move
Yeah, every little single thing you do is like
One part angel and one part danger
But, oh, the kind of crazy I like
You got me losing my mind
I'm losing my mind!

I walked over to her and she stood where she was, our eye contact stayed locked and never left each other's as I was now only a foot away. I took my hands and placed them at her biceps, gently pushing them as I still took steps forward, her voice harmonized through my ear as I continued to walk forward and she reacted by walking back at the same pace. Until her back hit the wall, I connected my lips wit hers instantly as my hand came around to lock behind her neck, pulling her closer. We melted into the kiss and I felt her wrap her arms around my waist in a feeling of relief. The song still played as we pulled apart and she hugged me tightly.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered into my ear as she buried her face into my neck.

"No, don't be... I completely understand." I said, "And you don't have to explain a thing, because you won my heart over last night." I pulled back and looked into her eyes and she nodded and reconnected our lips in blissful joy.


This week passed by quicker than I thought and now it's already finals week. I feel too exhausted. And every final I've had has been either as easy as pie or I just thought it was as easy as pie and got everything wrong. My mind is basically going to blow up after finals are over. My final schedule was such a pain.

Monday was first period, meaning my English final, which took an hour and forty-five minutes total, then there was a ten-minute break and then my second through seventh period, we get out regularly at 2:35pm. Tuesday through Thursday is an early release at 11:25pm. Tuesday was second and third period. So, my AP Chemistry final, a ten-minute break, then my Chemistry Lab final. Wednesday was fourth and fifth period, my AP Government, ten-minute break, then my AP Art final. And lastly, today is my P.E. final, ten-minutes, then my AP Calculus BC final. Then were all off Friday! Well... us students are, teachers have a workday. But it also means its the start of winter break!

Just two more to go. I arrived at 7:30am. I began walking to the entrance of the school when I noticed Claire's car a few feet ahead and notice she as sitting on top of her car in the school parking lot, so I jogged up to her.

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