Chapter 23: A Second Chance

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A/N: Hello Readers. There's quite a skip, in this chapter. I know, she just got her brace off and is starting to walk again, now there's like a two-three month skip into the chapter. I've been having writer's block when coming up with day to day or week to week chapters, so... to continue the adventure, the magic happens after a few months. Hope you enjoy. :)

~ Claire's POV ~

Months have been flying by, and it's the Wednesday of the last week before we start our spring break. Everything has been going smoothly. Amelia has been doing great after the accident, her legs is fully healed and she's able to do so much. Her mother and I are completely on good terms, and Amelia and my relationship with her has grown. Tracy has a couple more business trips to take, but she's still at home right now and I, am feeling like the happiest woman. Even Amelia sees it, and sometimes she's just surprise when I'm smiling widely in both her classes or when we're hanging out together over the weekend. I don't know what's gotten into me these few months but I've been joyful as ever.

I was relieved, needing a break from all this grading and students. I woke to a ringing alarm at 6:30am. I groaned and slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes, trying to adjust to the light through my curtains. I exhaled a heavy sigh as I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. I removed my clothes and stepped through the glass door. The hot water rushed out and it washed me over in warmth. Feeling the refreshing spray run over me.

After showering, I brushed and blow dried my hair, doing my make-up and getting dressed. Wearing a comfortable pair of black jeans and purple blouse. I wore my heels and made my way down the stairs. Seeing Tracy by the stove cooking breakfast. I walked over to pour myself a cup of coffee.

"Morning." She smiled.

"Morning," I responded and she handed me a plate of French toast. "Thank you." I said as I took the plate and went over to the counter.

After breakfast, I took my thermos and my purse. Shuffling around to find my keys, which aren't in my bag.

"Trace, have you seen my keys? I swear I just had them." I said as I continued to look around.

"Yeah, they're right here on the counter." She said as she tossed them to me.

"Thank you. Have a nice day at work."

"See you." She said.

I drove to the school and arrived half-an-hour early. I made my way into my classroom and immediately turned my computer on, knowing this old junk takes forever to load. After it turned on, I opened my grade book. I have just these grades left to enter in and then I'm good for my classes. I instantly began typing them in. After I finished I had fifteen minutes to spare before the school day begins. I began reading through an essay one on of my students wrote and my phone rang.

I looked over at the caller ID, feeling very hesitant about picking it up... but then I decided to do it anyway, "Hello?"

"Hey, I just got back from town yesterday."

"That's great, didn't even know you were out of town." I said in a dry voice, "Now, why are you calling?"

"Oh, come on, it's been a while since we've spoken, and yes I know you hate me and all, but I want to talk. Catch up."

"It's only been a like over four months, and there's nothing to catch up on." I said.

"Claire, could we just talk, I haven't been at ease with you ever since... and I know I did wrong, but I would like to apologize, and reason with you in person."

"Why? I wouldn't have to see your hideous face if we discuss this over the phone." I grinned to myself.

"Not funny Claire, I'm being serious."

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