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I laid in my bed, scrolling through Grayson's pictures in my camera roll. Something i did very often in these couple of weeks.

Every single picture hurt me, but i kept doing it. Destroying myself completely and utterly.

"Want to go on a run?" the voice of my brother filled my ears, making me look up from my phone.

I shook my head, looking back down. That was another thing, i stopped talking as much as i used to. My heart was aching for my mate, and my wolf was frustrated because she was not let out for more than a month.

"Come on." He dragged my arm.

"You can't stay like this, you know it. Lets go, your wolf is suffering." He persuaded me, me shrugging as i got up.

We walked downstairs, only to be greeted by Malia. She was standing in the middle of the hallway for some reason, a small smile whipped on her lips.

"Where are you going?" she asked, making Ray's head turn to her.

"On a run." He said as he put his shoes on, his voice stern and cold.

"I'm going. Wait." She said, making Ray and I share a glance.

"no." With that, he walked out. I followed, of course.

× × ×

The worst part of shifting, in my opinion, was bone cracking. Especially the first time you shift.

It is painful, like you know you are becoming.... a monster, as humans would say

Once Ray shifted into his wolf, i could not help but notice how similar we were. Only that his eyes were a different color than mine.

Red volcano strong eyes of his wolf Stared at me in a challenging manner. Yet, humorous.

Both of us had our qualities. He was bigger and stronger, but I was smaller and faster.

As we started to run, i instantly felt the wing brush through my dark thick fur.

I felt free, i felt distracted. From all the bad things that were currently happening in my life.

Suddenly, he tackled me down onto the grassy floor. Leaves crunched beneath me, tickling me slightly.

'You should be faster next time' he teased, his humorous arrogance mirroring on his wolf also.

My jaws snapped as i set myself free from beneath me, the tail of mine swaying as i jumped around him.   

Just as he was about to jump on me again, he stopped in his tracks. His body froze as his ears perked up, the muscles in his legs ripping from underneath the coat of fur

I smelled a wolf... a very familiar wolf.

Out of fog, soon stepped out Grayson. His black fur shone, his livid eyes looked like they held fire inside of him.

Ray growled as he lowered his body, ready for an attack.

And i stood still, like he had all the power over me.

'Mine. Only my mate.' he mind linked, his voice sounding cocky. But still angry as hell.

I breathed out.

'Not for long' i said, stepping closer to him. My wolf was now shaking, clawing at me, barking and telling me not to do it.

'Go on. Try' he said, now being face to face with me.

Well, muzzle to muzzle.

'I, Amanda Winters, fr-' i started, but i was cut off by a sharp pain in my chest.

I almost stumbled, making Ray stand right next to me. Grayson bared his teeth, making it even harder on me.

'Do it.' Ray said, his claws digging into the moist ground.

'I, Amanda Winters, from Black Moon's Pack, rej-' i was cut off again, but now with that kind of pain that sent me flying right on the ground.

Grayson's body stumbled also, but he still kept his ground.

'You can't do it.' He growled, looking right into my eyes. The dominance and power that radiated off him made me bow my head.

To my mate. To my Alpha.

'What are you doing?' Ray mind linked me, his rage now directed towards me.

I got up, my body still shaking.

'I am going with him. I have to' i said, turning around to stand next to Grayson.

He puffed out his chest, brushing his tail over mine.

Ray just around, walking away. Disappointment in his eyes.

He did not know how it is. To have someone that makes your Moon shine brighter. To have someone that is the lost piece of you, finally found.

He will realize soon, i hope.

I started walking in front of Grayson, still hearing his growls behind me.

My Possessive Alpha Grayson ✔Where stories live. Discover now