~ Plane rides ~ (chapter 10)

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"Meredith?" i hear behind me

Oh god....

I turn around and see Cameron fucking Dallas. Why him. why couldn't it have been like, Oprah or something. I start to get nervous and start to back up slowly
"um no, i don't k..know a Meredith, I'm Alexandrea" i say stuttering

"Meredith.. i know it you, Please don't be afraid of me, i am so sorry for everything i've put you through, please Meredith, forgive me" he says taking a step towards me

"Cameron, I don't.. You hurt me way more then any one else did, you were my only friend, and you just left, and then stood there and watch them torture me for 4 fucking years" i say tearing up

"Meredith, i am so sorry, you gotta believe me, I.. i miss you, and if you forgive me.. i promise, i will never let anything like that happen again. I won't let anyone hurt you" he says grabbing my hands looking down.


of course he has to notice the faded scars. why the hell aren't i wearing long sleeves. there very faded, but still noticeable

"Meredith, what are these" he says pulling me closer to him

"Flight 303 to Charlotte, North Carolina is now boarding" the lady comes onto the intercom and Amanda looks around and opens her eyes wide as she sees me with Cameron

"Meredith.. answer me please" he says getting upset

"i gotta go.. this is my flight" i say while breaking away from his grip. i walk over to Amanda quickly and grab my carry on bag

"what the hell was that about" she says standing up.

"i'll tell you when we get on the plane" i say walking up to the flight attendant and giving her my ticket. i go and sit in my seat and Amanda sits next to me

"Spill, now" she says looking at me

"Alright, so i was getting our food right and i began to walk back and i heard my name so i turned around and Cameron was standing there and he told me how sorry he was and i told him that he had hurt me more then anyone because like he was my only friend and he just told me that if i were to forgive him that he would make sure nothing would hurt me again and then he saw my old scars and asked me about them and then the intercom came on so i just ran away" i say handing her her Cheez-its

"Well.. this is probably gonna make this worse, but guess who is on this plane" she says nodding her head toward the entrance of the plane, I shoot my head up in that direction and see Cameron coming in our direction with his head down.

"Amanda, shit, what? oh god, what the hell" i say quickly and put my head into my hands

He walks to our row and looks at the seat number "i guess were sitting next to each other" he says scratching the back of his neck and showing us his boarding pass, And there it was, In big bold letters 14B, The. Seat. Right. Next. To. Me.

"Great" i say faking a smile

"do you want to switch seats" Amanda whispers to me

"no i'll be okay" i whisper back

We sit there in awkward silence until the plane starts to take off, Amanda immediately falls asleep.

Great, thanks dude

"Meredith... Please talk to me, did we make you do that to yourself" Cameron whispers to me looking me in the eyes

"Cameron.. you want the truth? Yes, you guys made me feel so bad about myself. But.. i'm over it. We all make mistakes, its life, i was ready to forgive you all after the day at chick-fil-a, But i never got the chance to talk to any of you.." i say smiling

"We all felt horrible Meredith, We were stupid High school Boys. We all love you and miss you so much" He says grabbing my hand and smiling back

"i'll make sure to text them when we land, I really miss all those idiots to be honest" I laugh remembering all the good memories

"What are you and Amanda even going to North Carolina for?" Cameron says turning towards me more, still holding my hand

"we were invited to Magcon, a tour where we go and meet our fans around the world" i say opening my Cheetos

"Welp.. i don't think you'll have to text any of the guys... because, we are all a part of Magcon too" he says smiling

"are you serious? You guys are in Magcon? thats amazing!" i say faking another smile. Honestly i was terrified to see all the guys again, what if they start to bully me again? What if they make these next 8 months a living hell

"Meredith?" Cameron says snapping me out of my thoughts


"i was trying to talk to you" he says

"oh.. sorry, i guess i'm a little nervous about seeing the guys again" i say looking down

"hey, When i said i wasn't going to let anything happen to you, i meant it, i will not let any of them hurt you again" he says looking into my eyes again "you look really tired, why don't you go to sleep, ill wake you when we land" he says rubbing his finger against my thumb

"okay, thank you Cameron" i say laying my head on his shoulder

"Anything for you Meredith" he says as i drift off to sleep.

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