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I Watched As Princess Took A Seat Thanking The Host For Directing Her To Me. I Waited For The Host To Leave To Speak.

"Hey Baby" I Said

She Looked Into My Eyes Placing Her Purse On Her Chair "Shawn I'm Not Here To Play Games" She Said.

I Chuckled "Who Playing Games?"

"You Constantly Want To Act Childish. You've Hurt Me Plenty Of Times And You Think I'm Going To Take You Back" She Said

"Princess We Have Three Kids Together. You Aren't Going To Leave Me...I Do Truly Apologize For-"

"You Can Save Your Apologies Shawn. I'm Done With This Marriage, I'm Done Trying To Cover Up Things That Are Bad , I'm Done Trying To Pretend That We're In Love...I'm Tired"

I Was Shocked To Hear This Coming From Her. Princess And I Have Been Together For So Long And I Thought We Were Going To Be Together Till The Day We Died. I Never Knew She Felt This Way.

"So What You Trying To Say?" I Asked Knowing The Answer.

"I Want A Divorce" She Said Crossing Her Legs.

"What About The Kids?"

"I'm Not Taking Them From You , You'll Have Them On The Weekends. Not Like You'd Care If You Lost Visitation Rights" She Said

"I Love My Kids"

"Do You?" She Asked

I Sucked My Teeth "What You Not Going To Do Is Make Up Lies And Accusations. You Know I Love My Kids Princess , I Do Everything For Them" I Said Trying Not To Get Loud And Cause A Ruckus.

"You Don't Even Know Yuri's Favorite Book , You Don't Know What Color Nola Hates...Do You Even Know What Award Nolan Got Last Weekend?" She Asked

"I Don't Gotta Answer To You" I Said Twisting Up My Face.

"Shawn , Why Have You Stayed With Me This Whole Time When You Know You Aren't Happy At Home?" She Asked

"Princess I'm Worth Millions , Do You Really Think You'll Be Fine On Your Own With Three Kids?" I Said Switching The Subject.

"Trust Me I'll Be Fine" She Said Getting Up From The Table.

"I Can't Even Believe I Stayed With You This Long...I Don't Even Think You Ever Truly Loved Me" She Said Softly. I Could See The Sadness In Her Eyes And I Know...I Fucked Up. I Watched Her Stare Into My Eyes For A Good Minute Before Walking Away Out Of The Restaurant.
"I Told You Jay" Bey Said As She Went Through Files.

"Princess Shot Me With The Divorce Threat Before. I Think She Just Trying To Prove A Point But She Won't Fall Through" I Said As I Spun In My Office Chair.

"She Has A Point"

"About What?" I Asked

"Just Everything...You Don't Know Your Kids. You Don't Truly Love Her." Bey Answered

"So You On Her Side Now?" I Twisted Up My Face

"I'm Not On Anybody's Side. Princess Is Stating Straight Facts. Jay When's The Last Time You've Spent Time With Your Kids?" She Asked

I Looked Up Thinking "Uh We Went To Universal Last Year" I Said

She Giggled "It Was A Family Trip And You Left The First Night"

"Work And You Know It Because You Booked My Flight Back To New York"

"Jay Your Missing The Point , You've Put Work Before Your Kids And Priorities Like That Isn't Right. You Own Your Fathers Company , You're Your Own Boss You Don't Have To Work As Much As You Do" Bey Explained.

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