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I Decided To Take The Kids Out, We Never Hung Out Without Jay And I Wanted My Little Alone Time With Them.

"You See The Lion?" I Asked Yuri Pointing To The Animal As He Yawned. Yuri Smiled "He's Big, I Wanna Pet Him" Yuri Said.

"You Just Setting Yourself Up To Die" Nola Said As He Recorded The Lion.

"No Lions Are Nice, Did You Not See Lion King?" Yuri Said Rolling His Eyes.

"Yuri That's A Cartoon...It's Fictional" Nola Said.

"What's Fictional?" Yuri Asked Twisting Up His Face.

"It Means Fake" I Said

"Can We Go See The Gorillas?!" Yuri Asked

"Rest In Peace To My Homie Harambe" Nolan Said As He Put His Fingers To His Lips Raising It Up To The Sky.

"You Do Realize Harambe Was Not At This Zoo Right?" Nola Asked Nolan As We Began To Walk.

"It Wasn't?" Nolan Asked.

Nola Rolled Her Eyes "I Thought We Only Had One Dummy In The Family"

"Not Knowing Where He Died Doesn't Classify Me As Dumb" Nolan Said.

"Nobody In This Family Is Dumb" I Said Still Holding Yuri On My Hip As We Tried To Find The Gorilla Habitat.

"Can We Look At The Snow Leopards Next? They're So Adorable" Nola Gushed.

I Giggled "Of Course"

"How You Know They Have Them Here?" Nolan Asked.

"Because I Have The Map Right Here...Bey You Still Thin-"

"Nola" I Said Cutting Nola Off.

"You Know I Really Like Your Outfit And Hair It's So Cute!" Nola Said.

I Playfully Rolled My Eyes "Mhm Thank You"

"Can We Get Something To Eat?... I'm Getting Hungry" Nolan Asked.

"Y'all Want To Eat Here?" I Asked Twisting Up My Face.

"Well I Guess It Don't Matter, What's Wrong With Eating Here?" Nolan Said.

"It's A Zoo, I Wouldn't Trust Their Food. We Can Go To Gwen Or 71 Above" I Said.

"Ooooo Fancy Restaurants, I'm Down" Nola Said.

"I'm Broke So It Don't Matter To Me" Nolan Said.

"Do They Have Chicken Nuggets?" Yuri Asked.

"I Don't Know Baby, I Never Order Off The Kids Menu" I Said.

"Awww" Yuri Said

"I'll Look Up The Menu" Nola Said Pulling Out Her Phone As We Finally Made It To The Gorilla Habitat.

"They Look So Mad" Yuri Said. I Giggled.

"That's There Resting..." I Looked At Nolan Waiting For Nolan To Finish His Sentence With My Eyebrow Arched.

Nolan Smirked Wrapping His Arm Around Me "Resting What?...They Aren't Sleeping" Yuri Said.

"Nothing Yuri" Nolan Smiled.

"Mhmmm" I Said.

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