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"So Catch Me Up On This Tea Now?" Kelly Asked As We Stood Outside. Nicki Owns Her Own Organization With Helping Disadvantaged Kids From The Hood. We Were Supporting Her At This Function She's Throwing At This Nice Expensive House.

"We Were About To Kiss That's It, Nothing Else" I Said

Kelly Smirked "Are You Sure?"

"Yeah, We Haven't Talked About It Since So I Guess He Wants To Forget About It" I Said

"So Like How Did It Even Start?" She Asked As I Drunk A Sip Of My Champagne.

"We Were Basically Playing Around Until I Feel And He Helped Me Up....We Looked Into Each Others Eyes About To Kiss Until His Kids Came In The Kitchen" I Said

"Damn Little...Shits...I Bet They Did That Shit On Purpose" Kelly Said.

I Giggled "No, They Had Just Woken Up" I Scanned The Area To See The Various People Conversing.

"Mhmmm" Kelly Said Taking A Sip Of Her Wine.

Nicki Came Up To Me With A Worried Look On Her Face "Bitch Darell Is Here" She Said.

"Big Dick Darell?" Kelly Asked With A Shocked Expression.

"Yeah Dark Skin Darell?" I Added.

"Yes Bitches Damn" Nicki Said.

"How He Knew About This Event?" Kelly Asked. Nicki Rolled Her Eyes "I Guess Social Media From Someone He Follows?" She Shrugged.

Darell Was Some Nigga Nicki Fucked Around With For A Few Months Until She Got Bored With Him And Stop Taking His Calls. She Keep Saying It Was Because He Was Boring But I Know It Was Because He Had Told Her About His Crazy Sex Life Back In College.

"Well If You See Him Just Say You Got A New Number Because Somebody Was Stalking You" Kelly Shrugged.

"You Came Up With That Quick" I Said Eyeing Her.

"Well Bitch Maybe I'm A Good Liar" Kelly Defended.

"Good Liar My Ass" I Whispered Before Drinking The Rest Of My Champagne.

Nicki Turned And Immediately Started Getting Worked Up "Fuck Fuck Fuck" She Said.

"You Made Eye Contact With Him Ain't It?" I Asked.

"Yes" She Said

"Well He's Coming This Way" Kelly Said Causing Me To Look At Him Walk Our Way With A Bright Smile On His Face.

"Nicki?"He Asked. Nicki Slowly Turned His Way "Hey Darell, What's Good?" She Faked Smiled.

"Nothing Much, What's Up With You? Been A Long Time Since I Heard Of Saw You" He Said.

"Yeah, I Had To Get My Number Changed And My Old Phone Broke So...I'm Sorry About That" She Said.

"We Still Follow Each Other On Instagram" Darell Said With A Confused Look On His Face.

Nicki Looked Confused "We Do?"

"Yeah...I DM'd You Plenty Of Times And I Seen You Left Me On Read" He Said.

"I Don't Recall" Nicki Simply Stated. Darell Looked At Us "And Who Might These Lovely Ladies Be?" He Asked.

"My Two Besties Kelly And Beyoncé...I'm Missing One But She Had To Work" Nicki Introduced.

He Shook Our Hands "Nice To Meet Y'all. I'm Darell" He Looked To His Right Smiling Brightly "And This Is My Girlfriend Princess" He Said As I Watched Princess Walk Over To Us Wrapping Her Arm Around Darell. I Was More Than Shocked, Princess And Jays Divorce Was Final Like Two Weeks Ago.

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