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Nola Looked Up At Me "Hey" She Smiled. I Waved With A Smile Spread Across My Face As Well.

She Looked At Her Instructor "See You Next Week" He Nodded.

"Bye Mr.Willis" I Said. He Nodded His Head Taking The Horse To The Barn While Nola Ran Towards Me Giving Me A Hug. Which Caught Me Off Guard "Oh" I Said Wrapping My Arms Around Her.

"What You Want?" I Smirked As She Released From The Hug. Now That Things Have Come Full Circle, The Kids Really Treat Me Like A Mother. They Knew I Was Slightly More Of The Soft Parent So If They Wanted Something And They Knew Jay Would Say No They Would Come To Me Knowing That I'll Say Yes 90% Of The Time.

"Nothing, I Just Missed You" She Said As We Walked To My Car.

"I'm Thinking About Switching My Car For A SUV, What You Think?" I Asked As I Unlocked The Doors.

"Yes Please, We Always Be Stuffed In The Back Like Sardines" She Said As She Hopped In The Passenger Seat.

I Giggled Starting Up The Car And Driving Off Heading To Nicki's, I Needed To Pick Up Something.

"Why'd You Ask?" Nola Said.

I Shrugged "Just Wanted To Know Your Opinion, All Three Of You Guys Are Getting Big And My Car Is Too Small For All Of Us. Same Thing With Your Dad But He Refuses To Trade In His Tesla"

"Boys" Nola Said Rolling Her Eyes. I Busted Put Laughing "As Long As One Of Us Has A SUV Then Its Fine With Me"

"I Can't Wait For The Wedding" Nola Said. It Seemed Like Time Was Coming At Full Speed, We're Scheduled To Try On Dresses Next Week.

"I Know Right, It's So Much Planning That Goes Into It. Nicki Hired A Graphic Designer To Design The Invitations And Our Little Logo" I Giggled.

"You Guys Are Having Your Own Logo?"

"Mhm, It's All Nicki's Idea. At First I Thought It Was Too Extra But It's My Wedding And Many People Do It All The Time"

"I Just Can't Wait For The Food" Nola Said.

"Oh I Know You Can't....Oooo I Just Got An Idea" I Said.

"What Is It?"

"Well My Heel Broke And I Can't Walk Around With A Broken Heel Plus This Is One Of My Favorite Pairs Of Shoes" I Winked As We Came To A Red Light.

Nola Smiled Brightly "So We Have To Go To The Mall!"

"But We-"

"Can't Tell Daddy" Nola Smirked.

"That's My Girl" I Smirked Back. It Was Our Little Thingy That I Created A While Ago Using Excuses To Go Shopping Without Telling Jay. One Time We Almost Got Caught Because I Wasn't Expecting Him To Come Home Early From Work.

"And I Saw These Cute New Shoes For Yuri Too" I Said.

"You Always Make Sure You Get Him Something It's Not Fair"

"You Know Yuri Is My Little Baby" I Said.

"He Is So Bad!"

I Giggled "The Bad Ones Are Always The Most Adorable"

She Giggled Shaking Her Head As I Pulled Up To Nicki's Place. "Ayeee" Nola Said. I Parked Quickly "I'm Just Picking Up The Invites, We're Not Staying Long" I Said.

"Mhmmm" Nola Said As We Got Out Walking Up To Her Door. Within A Few Seconds Nicki Answered The Door "Hey Girl...I Thought You Was Coming Later Tonight" She Said Looking Behind Her.

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