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"Why You Look So Mean?" Nicki Asked. Snapping Me Out Of My Thoughts.

"Bitch I Am Move" I Said. She Busted Out Laughing, We Were At The Hair Salon And I Was Getting My Weave Sewed In. I Was Hungry And When I Get Hungry I Get Cranky.

"This Bitch Mad As Fuck...You Want A Snickers Bar?" Nicki Said With Her Phone In My Face Probably Recording Me.

"Get That Shit Outta My Face" I Said Causing Nicki To Laugh. Her Laugh Was Contagious So It Led Me To Laugh.

"Alright All Done...I'm Going To Record You So Hold On" Said Kim. Nicki Had Already Got Her Touch Up With Her Sew-In So She Was Just Waiting On Me. Kim Held Up Her Phone To My Face Slowly Making A Circle Around My Chair As She Recorded My Body Wave Inches.

"Okay, All Done Thanks Beyoncé" She Said. I Handed Her My Money From My Purse.

"Thank You" I Said As Nicki Got Up. We Left The Salon "Lets Get Something To Eat A Bitch Starving" I Said As We Made Our Way To Nicki's Car.

"Girl I Know, Acting Like The Hulk. With Your Damn Attitude" Nicki Said. We Got Into Her Car And She Started It Up "I Still Can't Believe Your Getting Married Hoe!"

I Laughed "I Know Right"

"So Who's Your Maid Of Honor?" Nicki Smirked As We Made Our Way Out Of The Parking Lot.

"You Know My Sister Has To Be My Maid Of Honor Nic" I Said.

"That's Alright, You'll Be My Maid Of Honor In My Wedding And We Can Turn Up Together...How Did Your Parent Take The News?"

"They Were Ecstatic, You Know They Knew Before I Did Because Jay Asked My Dad For His Blessing" I Said.

"Awww Going Old School So Cute, Now Y'all Can Start Making Babies" She Said Sticking Out Her Tongue.

I Giggled "Uh Ah Not Now"

Nicki Rolled Her Eyes "Where We Eating?"

"Let's Just Get Some Wendy's Then Back To Your Place" I Said.

"But Then I'll Have To Drop Ya Ass Back Home"

"Jay Can Pick Me Up Before Yuri's Soccer Practice" I Smiled. It Was His First Practice And I Was So Excited To See His Little Feet Running Across The Field With The Soccer Ball.

"Oh How Cute, When Is His Game? You Got To Send Me The Schedule So I Can Support Lil Man" She Said Making A Left At The Light.

"I'll Send A Picture Of It To You, We Have It On The Fridge" I Said.

"So You Ain't Tell Me How The Talk Went With Princess At The Yoga Shop"

"Oh Yeah Bitch Kelly And Her Been Hanging Out Well Until I Told Kelly About Ray And Princess Still Dating. They Started Going At It" I Said Hearing My Phone Buzz, I Looked Down To See A Text From Solange So I Texted Her Back.

"Girl No Who Won?"

"I Guess Kelly, I Told Her I Was Dead To Her" I Said Going To Instagram.

"The Bitch Lucky She Wasn't Having Sex With Ray Yet" Nicki Said.

"So They Haven't Had Sex Yet?"

"Naw, She Told Me Was Doing The 90 Day Bullshit" Nicki Said Turning Into Wendy's.

"Well I Blocked Her Number, I'm Done With Her" I Said.

"Mhm Same, Michelle Said She Still Talks To Her From Time To Time. But You Know That's Expected Since She Has A Big Heart"

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