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Princess POV

"Go Grab Some Candy Or Something" I Said To Nola.

"I Don't Want Any Candy" She Said With An Attitude. Nola Was Getting On My Last Nerve Today And I Don't Why She Was Acting Up.

"God What Kid Doesn't Like Candy? I Swear You Act So Damn Difficult Sometimes" I Mumbled As Darrell Came Up To Us. I Got Invited To This Exclusive Event For Puma And Hello Kitty And Thought It Would Look Good To Bring Nola.

Darell Wrapped His Arms Around Me Pecking My Lips "You Look So Beautiful" He Said. I Blushed "Thank You Baby, You Looking Good Too" I Said Bitting Down On My Bottom Lip.

Darell Let Go Of Me Looking Around "This Looks Cool" He Said.

"I Know Right And A Few Celebrities Are Here Too" I Gushed.

"Good For Business Right?" Darell Smirked.

"Real Good, Ummm...Nola" I Said Turning Around To Look For Her.

"I'm Right Here" She Said Walking Up From Behind Me.

"You Didn't Say Hi To Darell" I Said.

"Hey" She Waved With A Blank Expression.

Darell Smiled "Hey Nola" He Said.

I Heard Someone Call My Name And I Turned Around Again To See It Was The Event Planner "I Gotta Go Baby. Keep An Eye On Her Please" I Said Walking Away To Walk Up To Samantha.

"Hey We Want To Get More Pictures Of You Actually Talking To Some Of The Kids And People Here" She Said.

"Oh Okay" I Said Caught Off Guard. After A Little While Of All That I Walked Back Over To Darell And Nola. I Could Tell She Wasn't Really Having Fun.

"You Made Your Own Candy Bag?" I Asked

"I Don't Want Candy" She Snapped.

"Caught The Damn Attitude And Act Like You Having Fun" I Said Through Gritted Teeth.

"I'm Not An Actress" She Said.

I Rolled My Eyes "You Getting On My Last Damn Nerv-"

"Princess" Darell Said, I Looked At Him "What" I Spat.

"Let Me Talk To You" He Said. I Clenched My Teeth "Stay Ya Ass Right There" I Said To Nola. She Just Rolled Her Eyes Not Saying Anything Else. I Walked Out Of The Building "I've Been Meaning To Tell You Something For Awhile Now But Just Haven't Had The Time. I Know This Isn't The Right Time To Tell You But...I Got A Huge Job Offer In Philadelphia And...I'm Taken It" He Said. I Immediately Hugged Him "That's Great Baby...I'm So Happy For You" I Said.

"I Want You To Come With Me...I Know Everything's Last Minute But...I Start In A Few Weeks" He Said.

"A Fresh Start...This Could Be Great For Us Baby. Just Me And You" I Said.

"What About Your Kids And Your Business?"

"They Can Stay With Their Dad And I'd Be Closer To
New York Where My Business Can Really Pop Off" I Smiled.

"You Sure? I Know I'm Asking For A Lot And I Took The Offer Without Talking To You Bu-"

I Placed My Hands On His Cheeks "Baby...I'm Down For Everything. I Think This Can Be Good For Us" I Said Looking Into His Eyes.

Darell Smiled "Okay...Your Kids Or Jay Won't Be Upset?" He Asked.

"Don't Worry About Them Okay?" I Said. He Nodded His Head Before Kissing My Lips.

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