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"What The...When You Got Those?" I Asked Looking At His Mouth.

"Ma Bought Those For Him Like Three Months Ago" Nolan Said

"Take Yo Feet Pff My Coffee Table" I Said Pointing To His Feet. He Rolled His Eyes "And You Gonna Stop Rolling Your Eyes"

"I Can't Wait Until I Leave Here" He Said After Grunting Getting Up From The Chair.

"Well I Can't Wait Either!" I Said , He Turned Around Shaking His Head Going Into The Second Room He Shared With His Siblings I Had The President Suite.

Nola Came Out With A Textbook In Her Hands "What Do You Guys Want To Do Today?" I Asked As She Say On The Couch. Yuri Had His Face To The Television Screen.

No One Spoke Up So I Asked Again "Dad I Left The Room Because NOLAN Was Being An Asshole And Now I Still Can't Get Any Silence In This Hotel Suite!" She Complained

"Watch Your Mouth" I Said

She Rolled Her Eyes "Or What? 'Your Gonna Fix It For Me'? Yeah Mom Always Says That But Never Does Anything About It" Nola Said Putting Her Head Back In Her Textbook.

My Eyes Widen , I Had No Clue My Kids Acted Like This. I Looked At The Floor To See That Yuri Was Gone "Where Is Your Brother?" I Asked

She Shrugged "Probably Looking For Some Sort Of Item To Start A Fire With. And You Know We Haven't Ate Anything Since Last Night"

"What The Fuc-....I'll Order Room Service In A Minute " I Said Rushing To The Kitchen To See If Yuri Was There. I Quickly Ran To My Room To See Him Going Through My Suite Cases.

"Yuri!" His Head Shot Up And He Turned Looking At Me "Yes Daddy?"

"Why Are You Going Through My Things?" I Asked

"Mommy Said You Smoked Cigars...I'm Looking For Your Lighter" He Replied

"But Your Not Allowed To Play With Those , There Dangerous " I Said , Yuri Got Up.

"Oh I Know But I'm Addicted Just Like How Your Addicted To Girls" He Said

I Cocked My Head Back "Where You Heard This From?"

"Mommy She Was On The Phone Saying You Were Addicted To Girls" Yuri Said Whipping His Nose.

"Wait Are You Getting Sick?" I Asked

"No-" He Sneezed Cutting Himself Off "You Know He Hasn't Washed His Hands Since We Yesterday" I Heard , I Looked Down To See Nola.

"What? Aren't You Old Enough To Know When To Wash Your Hands?!" I Said , Yuri Whipped The Snot From His Nose.

"Yuri Is A Boy Which Means Cleaning , Neatness Is Out Of His Vocabulary You Have To Enforce It...Isn't This Parent 101?" Nola Asked Twisting Up Her Face.

"Go To The Living Room Smart Alec" I Said

She Rolled Her Eyes Leaving The Room "Okay Buddy Stay Right There And Don't Move Okay? Don't Touch Anything I'm Going To Be Right Back" I Said

"Okay Daddy" He Said Sniffling.

I Shook My Head And Ran To The Kitchen Looking For Some Type Of Gloves "Look I'm Hungry" I Heard Nolan Say.

"Where's Martina When You Need Her" Nola Said

"I Know Right , She Woulda Had Pizza Made" Nolan Said

"From Scratch!" Nola Added

"Damn I Miss Her" Nolan Said

"I Practically Love Her Right Now" Nola Said

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