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"Hit It Harder!" I Yelled To Yuri As He Tried To Get The Candy Out Of The Little Unicorn. It Was His First Invite To A Birthday Party, Some Girl From His Class And I Decided To Bring Everybody.

"Don't Be Getting All Harsh On My Baby, He's Trying" Bey Giggled. I Had My Arm Around Her Standing Behind Her.

"He Only Got One More Hit Left I'm Trying To Make It Count" I Said.

"Can I Ride Bikes Outside With Natalie?" I Heard, Bey And I Turned To See Nola.

"You Don't Have Your Bike" I Said.

"Natalie Has Five, I'm Going To Use One Of Hers" She Said.

"Alright, Just Be Careful" I Said. Natalie Was One Of Nola's Friends And The Sister To The Birthday Girl. That's Why It Wasn't Hard To Get Nola Away From Her Studies.

"I Will, Bye" She Said Running Back Inside The Mansion.

Yuri Came Running Up To Us With Candy In One Hand And A Whole Bunch Holding In His Shirt. "Can I Have One?" Bey Asked.

"Of Course" He Said Handing Her One.

"Oh...I Don't Like Three Musketeers" Bey Said

"You Get What You Get And You Don't Get Upset" Yuri Shrugged Running Away To Play With The Other Kids. Bey Busted Out Laughing "I Know This Little Boy Did Not Just School Me" She Said. I Kissed Her Cheek "I'm Sorry, But He Does Have A Point" I Said. She Released From My Embrace "So You're On His Side?" She Asked With A Small Smirk.

"Maybe" I Said. She Shook Her Head "I'm Going To Get More Adult Drinks" She Smiled Turning Around Walking Over To The Bar. I Looked At Her Ass Biting Down On My Bottom Lip, She Turned Her Head Smirking. I Licked My Lips, I Turned Around To See Nolan On His Phone In The Same Spot Since We Got Here. I Decided To Walk Over To Him And Sit Down "You Good?" I Asked.

"Yup" He Replied.

"I Haven't Had A Chance To Talk To You About My Meeting With Your Principal And Teacher"

He Looked Up From His Phone "She's Asked Me Plenty Of Times If You Talked To Me So I Already Know What This Is About" He Said.

"Nolan You Didn't Even Tell Me You Draw" I Said. He Shrugged "You Never Asked" He Said.

"Well, I've Seen Your Work And It's Amazing. It Doesn't Even Look Like A Fourteen Year Old Did It" I Said.

"Thanks" He Simply Stated.

"Well, The Last Drawings You Did In Your Art Class Was Too Explicit. I Thought They Were Dope But If You Wanna Draw Stuff Like That Just Don't Ut At Home And Not In School" I Said.

"Whatever" He Said.

"What's Wrong?"

He Rolled His Eyes "What I Drew Is Art, Plenty Of Artists Draw Naked People. I Don't See What The Problem Is. All Of My Teachers Say We Need To Act More Mature But Then Want To Say My Work Is "Too Mature" For School" He Explained.

"I'm Sorry Son, I Know It Sounds Stupid But It's Not Like I'm Telling You To Stop Drawing It Just Not For School Projects" I Said Rubbing His Head. He Smiled A Little "Alright?" I Asked. He Nodded His Head "Yeah Dad"

"Who Was Your Inspiration?" I Asked

He Looked Up At Me "You Promise You Won't Get Mad?" He Asked.

"I Promise" I Said.

"Ms.Breedlove" He Said.

"Who's That?" I Asked

"My Art Teacher Ms.Cassandra Breedlove" He Answered.

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