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I Took My Seat Right In Front Of Someone I Thought I Would Never Be Meeting Up With. I Don't Why She Was Doing Something Like This As If We Were On A Reality Show. A Simple Meet Up At The House Was Fine By Me.

"I Know It Must've Shocked You When I Asked You To Meet Me" Princess Said With A Chuckle, But I Didn't Find Anything Funny.

"You Got That Right"

"Well, I Wanted To Come To You Woman To Woman And Apologize For The Way I've Been Acting Towards You" She Said.

"You've Acted Rude Towards Me Plenty Of Times...Even In Front Of Your Kids-"

"I Know, When Nola Had Told Me What You Said That Weekend I Got Upset Because It Was Like An Outsider Was Telling Me How To Raise My Kids Like I Wasn't Doing A Good Job Already" She Said Cutting Me Off.

"But I'm Not An Outsider, I've Been In Your Children's Life Since The Day They Were Brought Into This World. So Hearing What Nola Told You Shouldn't Have Rubbed You The Wrong Way. In My Opinion"

"Well The Chain Of Events Began With You Telling My Daughter That I Raised Her Wrong, Then You And Jay Told Me About Y'all Dating...It Threw Me Off Like-" She Began To Tear Up Grabbing A Napkin Off The Table. To Stop Her Tears From Dropping "That Was My Husband For A Longtime, We Had Been Together For Forever And I Know He Hurt Me Horribly But...So Seeing And Hearing That Y'all Were Dating Hurt Me" She Said. I Didn't Know Wether To Believe Her Or Think She Was Pulling A Stunt.

"How?" I Said.

"I Still Love Jay. I Always Will But Hearing That You Two Were Dating Made Me Furious, I Thought Jay Would Just Revert To His Ways. I Didn't Expect Him To Date Anyone After This Divorce" She Said.

"Well I Don't Know What To Tell You. For Someone To Hurt You So Badly I Don't Know Why You Still Love Him And Us Dating Just Happened It's Still Fresh...New. What We Got You Shouldn't Be Worried About Because Y'all Are Done. The Only Reason Why Y'all Are Around Each Other And Still Communicating With One Another Is Because Of The Kids" I Said.

She Looked At Me. I Waited For Her Response "Hello, Can I Get You Guys Some Drinks?" Asked The Waiter.

I Looked Up At Him "No I Won't Be Here Long" I Smiled.

"Long Island Tea" Princess Said. The Guy Nodded His Head Leaving Us Alone.

"What Made You Want To Apologize To Me?" I Asked

"Nothing. I Just Thought I Owed You That" She Said.

I Nodded My Head "Well If You Really Meant What You Said I Accept Your Apology" I Said.

She Twisted Up Her Face "I Did Mean What I Said"

I Heard My Phone Ding So I Picked It Up To See A Text From Jay Making Me Smile. "Hold Up" I Said To Princess.

Jay 💙: Wea U at?

🐝💙: Actually talking to your ex-wife

Jay 💙: Lol Why?

🐝💙: I'll let you know when I get home baby

Jay 💙: I Left early today so just meet me at the crib 😏

🐝💙: lmao goodbye Shawn 🌚

I Locked My Phone Looking Up To See A Drink Placed In Front Of Princess "So We're Good?" She Asked.

"Yeah, I Have To Go" I Said Getting Up From The Table.

"You Don't Have To Be Rude" She Said. I Turned Around "I'm Not Being Rude. I Have To Go It's Just That Simple. I Just Accepted Your Apology And You Wanna Do Something Again For You To Have To Apologize Again?" I Said.

"So All Of Sudden You Being With Jay Has Turned You Bold Huh?" She Asked. I Chuckled Shaking My Head "That Man Has Not Changed Me. Have A Nice Day Princess" I Said Leaving The Restaurant.
"I Got An Ass So Big Like The Sun
Hope You Got A Mille For A Dick I Wanna Run
Slap It In My Face Shove It Down My Throat
Nigga Where Your Blunt I Can Make This Pussy Smoke I Know How To Fuck I Know How To Ride
I Can Spin Around And Keep The Dick Still Inside
Now Your Mouth Wide You Looking Real Scared
I'm A Man Eater Headhunter I'm Prepared" I Sung Along To The Music That Blasted Through The House While Booty Shaking. I Felt Jays Dick So I Turned My Head Seeing Him Behind Me. He Placed His Hands On My Waist I Busted Out Laughing.

"Let's Stop Playing" I Said Leaning Up.

"We Not In A Rush" Jay Said Pushing Up Against Me Making Me Smile. "Let's Finish These Drinks" I Said.

"So Tell Me What Happened With Princess?" He Asked As We Walked Over To The Counter To Finish Making Our 'Tropical Sunrise' Drinks We Got From Tipsy Barber From Instagram.

"Alexa Turn The Music Down" I  Said To My Little Amazon Echo. Within A Second The Music Was Lowered.

I Told Him Everything That Went Down Between Princess And I Earlier Today. "So She's Jealous Of Our Relationship?" He Asked. I Shrugged "I Guess"

"She Got Those Divorce Papers Quick I Thought She Was Over My Ass For Good" He Said Shaking Up The Mix To Pour On Top Of Our Drinks.

"Exactly, How Did The Kids Take The News Of Her Dating That Guy?" I Asked.

"You Know Yuri Kinda Don't Care, I Think Nola Doesn't LikeThe Fact That Princess Is Dating And Nolan Don't Care" Jay Said Handing Me My Drink. We Clinked Our Drinks And Sipped Some Of It.

"Mmmm This Bussing" I Said.

"Damn Right, We Did Good" Jay Said.

"After Like The Fiftieth Time" I Joked.

"Practice Makes Perfect" He Winked. I Placed My Cup Down Looking Into His Eyes.

"What's Up?" He Asked.

"I Think We Should Talk About Us" I Said Softly.

He Placed His Cup Down "What About Us?"

"I Know We're Dating But...I Ju-"

"Baby Just Tell Me What's On Your Mind. Be Straight Up With Me" He Said Placing His Hands On My Waist.

"Nicki And Kelly Were Chewing YouOut The Other Day Saying Stuff Like...You Can Have A Sexually Transmitted Disease And You Could End Up Cheating On Me" I Said Slowly Looking Into His Eyes.

"They Quick To Judge Me On Things That Happened Before We Got Together. But Have I Given You Any Reason To Think I Was Cheating On You?" He Asked.

"No You Didn't"

"Do You Trust Me?" He Asked.

"Yes" I Replied. He Smirked "I Trust You Too" He Leaned Down Kissing My Lips. I Added Tongue Wrapping My Arms Around His Neck I Broke The Kiss "Wait" I Said.

He Looked At Me With A Confused Look "What If We Break Up? Then What?" I Asked Looking Into His Eyes Scared Of What He Might Say Next.

He Looked Into My Eyes "I Know It's Only Been A Few Weeks That We've Been Dating But...Beyoncé Giselle Would You Do Me The Honor Of Being My Girlfriend So That One Day I Can Eventually Marry You And Lock You Down For Life?" He Asked. I Bit My Lip Nodding My Head Yes "Yes Jay" I Said Before Feelings His Lips Crash On To Mines. We Made Out For A Good Five Minutes.

"Do You Really Mean What You Said?...You Would Want To Marry Me?" I Asked.

"Most Definitely" He Smirked, I Wrapped My Arms Around His Neck Hugging Him. I Felt His Arms Wrap Around My Me As Well. I Didn't Want This Moment To End.
This Was Blah 😒

•What Do You Think Of Princess And Beys Conversation? Do You Think Bey Was Being Rude To Princess?

•What Do You Think Of Jay And Beys Conversation? Do You Think He's Telling The Truth?

Peace & Blessings 🤙🏽

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