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I Heard My Phone Ringing So I Stopped What I Was Doing On My Computer To Answer It. "Hello?" I Asked.

"Hey Daddy, The Nanny Hasn't Picked Us Up And Mom Isn't Answering Her Phone" I Heard Nola Say.

"What? What You Mean Your Mom Isn't Answering?" I Said Caught Off Guard. This Wasn't Like Princess Or The Nanny.

"Just Like I Said" She Said.

"Let Me Call The Nanny, I'm On My Way" I Said Getting Up From Behind My Desk.

"Okay Daddy" She Said. I Hung Up And Ran Out Of My Office "Baby, I'm Going To Go Get The Kids, I'll Be Back" I Said Passing Her Desk.

"Is Everything Okay?" She Asked As I Jogged Towards The Elevator.

"Yeah, Princess Isn't Picking Up Her Phone And The Nanny Wasn't There To Pick Them Up" I Said Going To The Nanny Contact Number In My Phone.

"Okay, Be Safe" Bey Said. As The Elevator Doors Opened. I Went In "I Will, Love You" I Said

"Love Yo-" The Elevator Doors Closed And I Pressed On The Phone Symbol Calling The Nanny.

She Picked Up On The Third Ring "Hello Mr.Carter" She Said.

"Hey..." I Forgot Her Name. The Elevator Doors Opened And I Made My Way Out Of The Building To The Parking Lot.

"Um Are You Supposed To Pick The Kids Up Today Or Princess?" I Asked.

"I No Longer Work For Princess...She No Tell You?" She Asked With Her Heavy Accent.

"No, I Wasn't Aware. Did She Tell You Why Your Services Weren't Needed Anymore?"

"She Said That I Was No Longer Needed Because She Was Going Away For Awhile...But You Didn't Hear That From Me" She Said. I Immediately Was Heated.

"Okay Thank You" I Said.

"No Problem. Tell The Kids It Was My Pleasure To Work For Them" She Said. I Twisted Up My Face "Uh...I Will" I Said Getting In My Car And Speeding Off. She Hung Up And I Called Nola Back Letting Her Know I Was On My Way. After About 45 Minutes, I Pulled Up In Front Of The School.

"Hey Guys" I Said. Nola Got In The Front, Yuri And Nolan Got In The Back.

"Hey" Nola And Nolan Said Softly. I Know They Were Upset.

"Hi!...Where's Mommy? Did She Forget Again?" Yuri Asked.

I Looked In The Rearview Mirror Before Pulling Off "Mommy...Went Away For Awhile" I Said.

"She's In Jail?" Nolan Asked.

"No Dummy, She Probably Went To The Bahamas Or Something With Darell...You Know That's All She Cares About" Nola Said Looking Out The Window.

"What Makes You Say That?" I Asked

"Ever Since She's Been Dating Him, We Barely See Her" Nola Replied.

"The Nanny Was More Of A Mom Since Darell Came Into The Picture" Nolan Chimed In.

"When Is Mommy Coming Back?" Yuri Asked.

"I Don't Know Bud But You Get To Be With Me 24/7" I Smiled.

"Why Didn't Mommy Tell Me She Was Going To The Bahamas?" Yuri Asked With A Sad Expression.

I Let Out A Sigh As I Came To A Red Light "Mommy Will Be Back But For Now, You Get To Chill With Daddy...Isn't That Fun?" I Asked Looking In My Rearview Mirror.

Yuri Looked Down Shrugging "I Guess"

"You Get To Play With Bey" I Said.

His Face Lit Up "Yeah I Do" He Said.

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