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"I Didn't Know You Do This" I Said As We Walked To My Car.

"Yeah There's A Lot You Pay For Without Knowing" She Said Hoping In The Front Seat.

"Uh Ah Hop In The Back" I Said

"Why?" She Asked With An Attitude

"Because Your Only Nine You Have To Be At Least 13 To Rude In The Front" I Said

She Sucked Her Teeth Mumbling Something Under Her Breath. Princess Had Text Me To Ask If I Could Pick Up Nola , She Was Going To Need Help For Awhile Since Martina Had To Go Out Of Town To Be With Her Dying Aunt.

"How Was The Horseback Riding?" I Asked Trying To Make Conversation.

"Fine" She Said. I Looked In The Rearview Mirror To See Her With Her Arms Folded.

"Why Just Fine?" I Asked

"Why All Of Sudden Your Having An Actual Conversation With Me? You Really Don't Want To Know So Stop Faking It" She Shot.

"Whoa I Asked A Simple Question, Just Because I'm Not Around Doesn't Mean I Don't Care. I Love You And Your Brothers"

"Actions Speak Louder Then Words" She Said. I Came To A Stop Light Looking In The Rearview Mirror Again To See Her Looking Out The Window. I Can See Her Eyes Beginning To Tear Up.

"Nola Why You Upset?" I Asked

"It's Nothing" She Replied

"Just Tell Me" I Said Pressing On The Gas Once The Light Turned Green.

"Can You Just Stop Talking" She Said, I Left It There And Kept Driving. Once We Made It Home Nola Hopped Out Of The Car Racing Inside The House. I Walked In After Her And Princess Stood Right At The Door With A Furious Look.

"What Happened To Her?" She Asked

I Sucked My Teeth "Man I Don't Know, I Tried To Ask And Little Smart Mouth Starting Coming At Me"

"God Your Such An Asshole" She Said Going Into The Living Room. I Seen Yuri Laid Out On The Couch.

"Hey Little Man" I Said

"Hey Daddy" He Said

Yuri Was Still Sick And I Got A Ear Full From Princess When I Told Her He Was Sick.

"Baby Me And Daddy Are Going To Talk So After You Soup Is Done Cooking I'll Give It To You And Then You Can Take Your Nap Okay?" Princess Said To Yuri.

Yuri Nodded His Head Keeping His Eyes On The Big Flat Screen. Princess Walked Out Of The Living Room And I Followed Her Into Our Room.

"So How You Been?" I Asked

She Ignored Me And Went Through Her Nightstand Draw Retrieving A Brown Envelope. She Turned Handing It To Me "It'll Make Things Simpler If You Just Sigh Them" She Said. I Grabbed It Out Of Her Hand.

"We Haven't Even Talked This Shit Out" I Said

"What's There To Talk About Jay? Seriously" She Said

"About Us-"

"Why Are You Trying To Save This Dead Marriage?" She Asked

"Cause I Still Love You-" She Busted Out Laughing "Jay If Your Single You Can Still Fuck As Much Bitches As You Want. You Should Be Happy" Princess Said.

I Licked My Lips "Damn It's Like That"

"I Mean That's What You've Been Doing For Most Of Our Marriage" She Said Walking Past Me And Out Of Our Room. I Walked Out Of Our Room And Heard Her Talking, I Followed Her Voice To See She Was In Nola's Room. The Door Was Cracked Open A Little So I Decided To Listen To What They Were Talking About.

"What Happened?" I Heard Princess Ask.

"I Was Annoyed At Dad Today And It Made Me Frustrated Because Of What Happened Yesterday" Nola Said

"Oh Of What Those Girls Said? What Did Your Dad Do?"

"He Was Trying To Talk To Me...If Those Girls Could Just See That. If They Could Just See Him Pick Me Up From School Or Actually Show Up To Career Day Then They Would Stop Teasing Me" Nola Said Softly.

"Awww Baby, It's Okay. Your Dad Is Trying But You Know Work Causes Him To Be Very Busy" Princess Said

"Yeah Whatever, I Just Want To Do My Extra Credit Work Now" Nola Said

"Okay" Princess Said. I Heard Footsteps And Moved Towards Our Bedroom.

"What Was That About?" I Asked, Princess Turned Around Walking Over To Me.

"These Girls Were Teasing Her Because They Think She Keeps Lying About Having A Dad In Her Life"

"Why Haven't You Said Anything To The Principal? Go To The School Board?" I Asked

"If You Actually Acted Like Her Father Then She Wouldn't Be In This Predicament" Princess Said Moving Past Me To Walk Down The Stairs.
"Good Luck" I Heard Beyoncé Say.

"Why You Saying Good Luck? We Going To Be In And Out, Ima Give Her The House The Two Cars And Pay Child Support" I Said As I Pulled Into A Parking Spot.

"You Fucked Princess Over And You Think That's All She's Going To Get Out Of You?"

"Uh Yeah" I Said

"Jay, Did You Make Her Sign A Prenup?"

"Nah, I Trust Princess" I Said Taking Bey Phone Call Off The Car And Onto My Phone.

"Jay I've Warned You Plenty Of Times And You Don't Listen" Bey Said

"Warned Me About What?" I Asked

"Princess Probably Going To Swipe Your Ass Out Clean, Trust Me" Bey Said

I Sucked My Teeth"Just Because You Would Do It Don't Mean Princess Would" I Said Walking Into The Building To See My Lawyer.

"Look I'll Call You Later" I Said

"Goodbye" Bey Said Hanging Up. I Shook Henry's Hand.

"Look Just Go In Relax Okay? We Don't Know What To Expect. Women Change Their Minds About Things So Many Times" Henry My Lawyer Said. I Nodded My Head Taking In All The Information He Gave Me. We Walked Into The Room And I Must Say Princess Was Looking Fine As Fuck. I Think She Did That Shit On Purpose. We All Introduced Each Other.

(A/N: If This Isn't How A Divorce Settlement Conference Goes Down I'm Sorry, That's Why This Is A Fictional Fanfics sksksksksk 😬)

"Okay So Princess Demands She Takes The House Where Your Children Are Already Familiar With, The Cars And 36 Million In Alimony, Also You'll Be Paying Over 200K For Each Child In Child Support" Said Princess Lawyer, I Busted Out Laughing.

"You Can't Be Serious" I Said

Princess Looked At Me With A Blank Expression "My Client Is Going For  That, He Has To At Least Buy A House-"

"Princess Had Suffered So Much In This Marriage So Have Her Kids" Said Princess Lawyer. I Looked At Princess "Are You Serious Right Now? I Was Leaving You The Fucking House And Two Of The Cars, What You Need All My Damn Cars For?!" I Yelled. I Felt Henry Tap My Arm Trying To Relax Me.

"Jay I Deserve All Your Shit For The Hell You Put Me And My Kids Through!" Princess Yelled

"You Acting Like I Beat Yo Ass!"

"You Hurt Me Jay! And Your Kids Are Hurting!"

"They Ain't Hurting They Can Give Two Fucks About Us Splitting Fuck Outta Here!" I Shot. Princess Clenched Her Teeth And Her Lawyer Bent Down Whispering Something In Her Ear.

"Princess Is Sticking To Her Word" Said Her Lawyer.

"My Client Isn't Sticking To That" Henry Said. I Really Wasn't Expecting This Side From Princess. I Guess Bey Was Right.
LMFAOOO Eh This Chapter Najsjsjs

•What Do You Think Of Jay Trying To Talk To Nola? What Do You Think Of What Nola Told Princess?

•What Do You Think Of The Divorce Settlement Conference ?

Peace & Blessings 🤙🏽

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