Chapter 2: 33 Galleons

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Sirius POV

I got up before everyone else and yawned as I got a hand full of Floo Powder.

“Diagon Ally!” I said, and threw the tiny grains at my feet. I was spat out at the street, I took pride in the fact that I didn’t go flying head first into the pavement. I brushed off my clothes, and thought about where in the hell I was supposed to get a gift for a brother oI hated.

Remus always said books where so damn amazing, so I headed to Flourish and Blotts. I wandered around for a bit, and grabbed a random book about Quidditch. Reg played Quidditch…I think.

I was about to get in line, when I saw a girl.

A pretty girl.

She was wearing a knee length dress, even though it was freezing, and a thick sweater. The charcoal color made her white-blonde waves almost seem to glow. But when she turned to call a younger boy over, I saw the ivory of her skin give her hair a golden shine.

I got in line behind her, and couldn’t help but keep staring. She was tapping the toe of her red high-tops as she counted out Galleons and Sickles. I looked over her shoulder, and at the large pile of books. She came up short…by alot.

I saw her shoulders fall as she realized this a moment later. I saw her navy blue eyes slightly glassy with tears.

“I’m sorry, West,” she said, patting the boys head comfortingly. She pushed the books off to the side so I could pay.

Truth be told, I don’t really know what came over me. I guess I just felt so bad for her, when the witch behind the counter wrapped mine, I-

“Thanks-I’ll get hers too.”


Waverly POV

I woke up early, and showered. I pulled my wavy, messy pale blonde hair into a louse braid. I put on the only clean clothes I had left. A knee length dress and a thick cardigan. I looked in the mirror, my dark eyes made my face look paler, and my hair look almost white. I thought I looked like I was part of the walking dead…I woke up West, and he got dressed to.

“We need to get books today Bud,” I said as I helped him with his jacket zipper.

“Are we really going?” he asked, fixing his hair with his fingers. “To Hogwarts I mean.”

“Yeah, West, we are,” I smiled at him, and grabbed the bag with our coins. Tina had given us everything she had so we could go.

I went to the book store, and got every book that we needed. I winced as we where told the price. 33 Galleons. I pulled out the bag, and began counting out Sickles and Knuts. I was near tears when I came up short.

“I’m sorry West,” I choked out, putting our books up on the counter for the witch to put back.

“I’m sorry dear,” she said sincerely. I nodded, and let a boy with long black hair go in front of me as I put my coins back at the bag.

“Thanks-I’ll get hers too.” I whipped his head up when I heard the long haired boy said this.

“Nonono!” I said, glaring slightly at the…surprisingly handsome face of the long haired boy. “We don’t want charity.”

“It’s not charity,” he drawled, looking me up and down. “Consider it a loan. You’d owe me one at Hogwarts, Yank.” He said, putting a large pile of gold coins on the counter. I rolled my eyes at the word Yank. How unoriginal. He looked at the ratty, second hand books the witch was wrapping up. He called her back.

“We’ll have the normal price books, please,” he said, putting more coins on the table. West was smiling as he looked at his new books. I was looking at mine with a blank look.

“This is where you’d say thank you,” he laughed, carrying my wrapped books out of the shop for me, against my protests I might add.

“We’ve had enough charity, thank you,” I said, taking my books, and handing West his.

“Aw, see? Was that so hard, love?” he said, leaning on the wall of the store.

“I have a name!” I snapped, walking away from Mop-Head, leading West back to the Leakey Caldron.

“Well are you going to tell me?” he asked, running up to us, and walking in front of me backwards, he still had that smug smirk on his face. This guy was probably used to girls falling for him *snaps imaginary fingers* like that.

“Nope!” I said, sending him a smirk. I saw a flicker of insecure-ness in his eyes; they went back to the same cocky, smug look they had before I could call him on it.

“Aw, don’t make me beg!” he teased, walking in front of us. I was about to make a normal smart assed answer…but the worst thing happened.

Mop-Head tripped on something, and fell backwards. Causing me to trip on his feet, and fall on top of him. I was breathless for a moment. His gray eyes where shot through with silver when the light hit them.

“Um-Er-Sorry,” I sputtered. He just smiled, and chuckled.

“Now you owe me two,” he chuckled. I saw West snickering above me. I rolled my eyes, and I got up, brushing my dress off. I got my books, and looked back at the guy was on the ground, he was just smirking up at me.

“Thank you,” I said, then walked off fast to the Leakey Caldron.


It was Christmas Eve, my birthday. I woke up, and moaned. I hated my birthday. Have since the last three years. West always tried to get me a gift, and one year he cried when he didn’t. I heard a clunk, and then a slight pecking noise.

“Shh! Shh!” West whispered. I sat up in the chair, and looked at West, standing in front of a covered cage.

“West…” I said warningly. “What did you do?”

“Um…” he said, the covered cage let out a screech. I got up, and lifted it. I saw the soot black eyes of a small barn owl.

“Happy Birthday Sissy!” West said, smiling at the owl, then me.

“West how did you pay for this?” I asked, petting the owl through that bars. I knew wizards in the UK used owls, we used pigeons in New York, and I’d heard they used tropical birds in Mexico.

“I’ve been saving money,” he shrugged; I hugged him tight, and looked at my new owl.

“I think I’ll name her Mystic. What do you think?” I asked him, he nodded, and fed her an owl treat.


I know, I know, FILLER CHAPTER! But, it's still early...maybe I'll post two chapters in one day! {Obsessive WRITER!}

Welllllllllll...I'm gonna go like a crazy person and all you wattpadd-ers can go back to your lifes, and I'll just stay a urban hermit... 0.o Maybe...You don't knwo what I do in my free time! Well...I guess you do, considering I have...FOUR STORIES.

OK! I'm'a gonna SHUT UP NOW!

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