Chapter 37: You Owe Me

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Well, last chapter-Well, blurb really- for today. And, as I literaly just found out, this doesn't follow the book. Sorry, I feel like a bad Potterhead. :( But, enjoy!


Waverly POV

It was the day before the Valentines Day Ball, and I was still dateless. After the show with Xavier in the Great Hall, boys took that as an invitation to go after me at free will. I think I’ve hit more people then I have all year. I was going to go and check on the boys in the Shrieking Shack for something to do. Remus was in a bad mood latley, so I thought extra help might be nice so James and Sirius won't be to torn up to the Ball tomarrow.

“Go on Severus! It’s perfectly safe! She really wanted to talk to you!” I heard Sirius yell over a loud course of snarls and the creaking wood of the Whomping Willow. I ran the rest of the way. I saw Sirius leaning against some rocks, and Snape was hesitantly walking towards the doorway in the Whommping Willow.

“Sirius!” I hissed at him, going closer. “What are you doing?”

“Having a great time! You’re welcome to join,” he smiled. I heard a low moan that had to be James’s stag and more snarls.

“Snape!” I called, he turned to look at me with a discussed look on his face.

“What?” he asked in monotone.

“What the hell are you doing?” I asked. I didn’t like him, not even the slightest, but I really didn’t want to have to deal with a depressed Remy for months on end if he hurt him.

“Black said Lily wanted to talk to me,” he said flatly, a hit of human emotion in his voice. I mean this guy made Spock look like a cuddly teddy bear, with rainbows for eyebrows! My eyes widened as I saw Sirius snicker.


He ignored me and flicked his wand at the door, and it flew off. He gasped and stumbled backwards as Remus/werewolf shot out, and howled at the moon. James’s stag try to push him back, but he was pushed back. Remus fell onto all fours, and snarled as he stalked the frozen Snape.

“Damn,” I hissed under my breath. Sirius was laughing his arrogant butt off, and I pushed him back to try and to get a ring of flames around Remy to push him back before anyone got hurt.

“Tha-that’s a-a-” Snape stuttered in a high pitched voice.

“Oh shut up!” I moaned, trying to get the flames around Remus. Remy must have been really pissed at something, because he jumped over the flames. I panicked, and pulled Snape back. We landed on our backs in the cold grass as James pushed Remy back into the tunnel with his antlers.

Snape was in shock as he stared after them.

“You tell anyone,” I panted, glaring at him. “I won’t save you next time.” He looked at me and nodded slowly. “And you owe me, and James big-time.”

He nodded slowly. “Ok.” He said slowly.

I saw Sirius with a look of horror on his face. “I’m sorry…Severus,” he forced out the last part more than the first part. Snape glared at him, but took his hand to pull him up. They dropped hands quickly, and Sirius pulled me up as well.

“What the hell where you thinking!” I hissed at him as we ran to the tower.

“I was thinking I needed a pick me up!” he hissed back at me.

“You could have gotten him killed!” I said, pulling him to a stop. “And think of how Remus would take that!”

I saw his face change to a somber one, as that sunk in. He nodded slowly, and started walking slowly. “I didn’t think of that.” He said softly, his arm winding around my waist and his cheek rested on my head. I leaned into him, and thought about how I missed him the last few weeks.

“Don’t do that, or anything remotely like that again.” I ordered him, he looked down at me, and his gray eyes caught the moon light and made that heart melting silver color.

“Ok.” He whispered in my hair. I shivered, and looked away.

“Promise me.” I said, looking around the corner for Filch. When I turned back, I jumped at how close Sirius was to me.

“Promise,” he whispered. I felt his curly hair brush my forehead as his hands moved up my arms and rested on my shoulders. I shuddered and turned my face out of habit from the last few days of guys trapping me to walls and demanding me to go out with them.

Them, I hit in the crotch. Sirius, no. Not going to happen.

“We should get to the common room,” I said in a shaky voice, he nodded, and wound his arm back around my waist as we went to the common room.

Why won’t the moron get off his ass and ask me?

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