Chapter 17: Dreams...

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<Sometime During the Summer>

Sirius POV

I rolled over and started out the window. I fumbled with the box under my bed, and pulled out a picture. I flicked the light on and heard James mumble and pulled the blanket over his head. I looked at the picture, and felt an involuntary smile spread across my face. It was the picture James and Remus took of me and Waverly when we where both sleeping. At first glance you’d think it was a Muggle picture, but if you looked really close you could see our chests rising and falling.

Up in the corner you could see Waverly’s fingers pulling through my hair, and my arms tighten around her waist. Her face looked different when it was asleep. It was still beautiful-What the hell was I saying?

She was my best friend! I couldn’t think of her that way. But it was true, she was amazingly pretty. Her long bangs where always falling in her eyes, and she always seemed to be subconsciously blowing them out of her face. She had two smiles; the smile/smirk was what was usually plastered on her face wasn’t there in this picture. She had a small, real smile on her face. When I tightened my grip on her waist it flickered and got bigger for a second before it went back to the small sleepy smile it had been.

I heard James’s light snore’s stutter, and I quickly flicked out the light. I put the picture under my pillow and tried to get to sleep.


Her golden/white blonde hair fell over her face as she blushed down. I tipped her head up, and stared into her navy eyes, and then it hit me.

I was about to kiss Waverly.

Why in the hell would I put myself in that type of danger!?!?

I jumped back in shock, and looked around the room. I was back at Hogwarts, in the common room. The lights where dimmed, and the night sky was showing through the windows. The clouds moved to reveal a bright full moon. I saw Waverly sitting close to me on the sofa, a content, real smile on her face.

Full moon. Remus. Oh no. “I have to go!” I yelped, jumping up. I felt her catch me sleeve.

“Stay. Please,” she begged with a subtle flirtatious smile. Made my mind wander…

“No. No I have to go,” I insisted, prying her fingers off my sleeve, and started for the door. I was pulling my jacket on when she got up and spoke again.

“Where are you going?” she asked, her sapphire eyes made my lie weak.

“I-I just have to.” I forced out. Truth be told, I wanted to take her tight in my arms and kiss her. It’d be worth getting my ass kicked.

“Please, stay,” she purred, resting her chin on my chest looking up at me. She batted her long dark eyelashes, and looked at me with her sparkling navy eyes. I stumbled and leaned against the wall. She should have a warning sign for her eyes.

“I really can’t,” I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck nervously.

“Why?” she asked, tucking a hank of my long hair behind my ear. Her hand went down the back of my neck and lingered on my chest. I really wanted to stay.

“I-I just have too,” I choked out, looking at her pretty face fall.

“Fine,” she said, sounding hurt. She turned around and, started to go up to her dorm. I grabbed her wrist and spun her around so she was against the wall and me. I rested my forehead on hers, and I felt her eyelashes flutter on my cheek.

“I want to stay,” I muttered. “But I just can’t.” I felt her chuckle. I leaned back to look her in the eye.

“I’m not mad you’re leaving. I know we will have more time later,” she said, blushing. I smiled slightly. “I’m mad you won’t tell me why.”

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