Chapter 3: Praesidio

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Waverly POV

Me and West dropped our books off at our room, then went and got robes, and the rest of our supplies. We found two second hand trunks for 12 Knuts each, and packed everything up. I had a maid wash all our muggle clothes, and we went to the Platform.

I smiled as I pushed West to some first years, he was laughing with them in no time. I smiled, and went to a compartment. I poked my head in one…

Sirius POV

“I’m serious Prongs!” I insisted, throwing my bag at the seat.

“Yes, Padfoot, we all know that,” he said snidely, I made a face at him and flicked him off. “I know you are, mate,” he said seriously {PUN!}

“Nothing! Not even a blush!” I said throwing my arms up. This American girl hadn’t left my mind all summer. I idly spun my Magic 8 Ball in my hands as we waited for Moony and Wormtail.

“Hey guys,” Peter panted, falling into a seat next to me.

“Running from Malfoy?” I asked, trying to think of a question.

“Yeah,” he gasped. Poor, fat, Peter. I say Moony walk in, holding a book.

“How was your summer break?” Remus asked nicely, flipping to his book mark.

“Absolutely awful in every horrid way,” I said, shaking the black plastic ball, asking in my head ‘Will I see Yank on the train?’

‘Signs point to yes’

Well, that’s good.

“You James?” he asked.

“Good, I guess,” he mumbled.

“I want a girlfriend,” I moaned idly. “You guys are boring.”

“Well what would you do with a girlfriend that is more interesting than this?” James asked, gesturing sarcastically to our group.

I grinned, and opened my mouth. “Don’t answer that.” He added quickly.

I laughed, and played catch with myself with my Magic 8 Ball. I pulled out my wand. “Remus, if I was to wave my wand, and saw ‘Accio Hottie’ would it work?” I asked. Remus just rolled his eyes, and James pretended to throw up in Peter’s lap. Peter didn’t get it.

I saw door open, and I saw the pretty face of my American girl. “Mother of God it did work.” I said, James burst out laughing.

She narrowed her navy blue eyes at me. “Do I want to know?” she asked, her accent was so…charming.

“No, I don’t think so,” I said in the same tone. I saw James snicker, I kicked him.

“Well, I’m going to find another seat,” she was about to shut the door-

“No, we have room,” I said, throwing Peter to the other side. He squealed, and landed head first in the seat. I smiled nicely, and she gave me a strange look, but sat down next to me, leaning back and crossing her arms, pulling her cardigan over her and wrapping it over her knuckles.

“So…What the hell is your name! I’m getting tired of Padfoot referring to you as ‘The American girl with the nice-Ohgf!” Peter said until I leaned over and hit him in the stomach. I looked back at Yank who was covering her mouth lightly with her hand trying not to laugh.

“Again, do I want to know?” she asked, giggling.

“With Sirius, no, you probably don’t,” Remus said. “I’m Remus Lupin by the way.” He held out his hand and What’s-Her-Face took it and shook it.

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