Chapter 4: Take Your Best Shot

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Waverly POV

I ran out, and I saw West pinned against the wall by a bunch of seventh year Slytherins.

“Aw, Mud-Blood needed his big sister to come and help him?” a girl with wild black hair, and crazy eyes cooed. West was off the ground pinned against the wall, his nose was bloody.

“Put. Him. Down.” I sneered to the boy holding him. He laughed. I heard James, Remus, Peter, Lily and Black follow, along with the rest of the House. I felt someone tug me back by my arm. I snapped it forward and hit the kid in the temple. He swayed and dropped West. And then fell like a leaf.

The girl let out this shriek that would wake the dead. “How dare you touch him you-you filthy little-” I got sick of her ranting and gave her the biggest bitch slap I could muster. I heard Lily gasp.

Crazy Eyes looked stunned. “You-You-You-!” Her hands formed fists, and where shaking. I took a step forward, and sneered in his face.

“Take your best shot…Pure-Blood bitch.” I saw a crowd grow around us. I saw her literally shake. “Scared?”

“Never.” She sneered back; I felt the grip on my arm tightened.

“Prove it.” I snapped, my hand twitching to my wand in my back pocket.

In a quick motion she had her wand out…I just pinned her to the wall. She was shouting curses all over. Once I pinned her, I took out my wand, and held it under her chin.

“You, or your friends touch another hair on my brother’s head, you will be picking your shattered wand and reputation up of the floor. Is that clear?” she didn’t say anything.

“Is. That. Clear?” I asked again, pressing my wand tighter to her neck. She nodded slightly, sneering the entire time.

I got up off of her, and went back to the common room, taking West with me.

Sirius POV

We all watched open mouthed as Waverly walked into the common room with her brother.

“She,” Peter started. “Scares me. A lot.” I nodded, agreeing.

“Did she just hit Lucius Malfoy, and Bellatrix Black?” Lily asked to no one in particular.

“Yep,” James said, watching the Slytherins drag Malfoy back to the dungeons. “Your cousin just got her ass kicked.” He said to me.

“Well, she’s going give you a run for your money, Sirius,” Remus sighed, going beck into the common room; I followed. I saw Waverly and her brother East, or North. Meh-it was one of the cardinal directions. She was dabbing his nose with her sleeve, and mumbling something to him.

“That girl is going to be trouble,” Lily sighed, again to no one in particular. I answered anyways.

“I know!” I said excitedly, smiling.

“Padfoot-Don’t-Just-Just don’t,” Remus sighed, going up to our dorm.

I fell on the sofa and looked at Waverly hugging her little brother. He was sniffing as she rubbed his back. I got up, and went over.

“Go away, Black,” Waverly mumbled.

“You know there’s a spell to fix things like broken noses,” I said, leaning on the wall over both of them.

“Can you fix it?” her brother squeaked. Waverly was biting her lip, like she didn’t like the idea of me doing magic on her brother, but wanted him fixed.

I took out my wand, and with a quick flick of my wrist, his nose was strait again. He grinned, and wiped the fresh blood up with his sleeve.

“Thanks!” he said to me, then whispered something to his sister and ran to the dorms.

Waverly sighed heavily, and rolled up her sleeve to look at a watch. A man’s watch. I grabbed her wrist, and looked at the pounded copper face and the silver inlayed numbers.

“Your boyfriends?” I asked, looking at her pretty face. She snorted. Actually snorted.

“Like any guy could handle me,” she scoffed, pulling her hand back.

“Oh really now?” I said, leaning back and looking at her smug face. “Not even another unhandleubul soul?”

She seemed to think this over, and then laugh. She got up, “If you are referring to you? No, Mop-Head, you can’t handle me.”

I was dumbfounded for a second as I watched her leave. I eventually went up to bed.


I rolled over in bed, and grabbed my Magic 8 Ball.

‘Can I handle Waverly Trinket?’

‘Reply hazy, try again.’

Damn. I shook it harder, and asked again.


I knew it.


Ok, so...Maybe this was a filler chapter. I don't know. But, anyways-Vote, Commet, GIVE ME FEEDBACK!

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