Chapter 35: 'Oh,'

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Waverly POV

I was walking with Alice to Herbology, she was talking about how she was going to wear her mothers dress from when she went to Hogwarts and went to the Yule Ball (or Christmas Ball I found out). I was thinking about why I said no to Sirius.

He was the best guy I knew. Funny, sweet, nice, hot. But, I just couldn’t say yes. If it ended badly, it would ruin my friendship with Remy, James and Lily too. And I didn’t want that. I sat in my usual seat, and waited for Sirius to get here. He still sat by me, and we talked about the class work, but not about anything else. His gray eyes didn’t have that glint in them anymore.

I was playing with my quill/pencil as I heard someone sit next to me. I whipped my head over to say something to Sirius, but Xavier Knight was there, grinning at me.

“We meet again,” he drawled, smiling slyly at me. I rolled my eyes, and hit my head on my books as he rambled on about Quidditch. I saw Sirius come in with Remy, and they sat on the other side of the room. Lily sat with Alice in her usual seat in front of me. I caught here eye, and gave her a pleading look.

She looked at Knight who was rambling about how I should be his date to the Valentines Day Ball. I made the gun sign with my fingers, and put it to my temple. I pretended to pull the trigger, then went slack with my tough out on my books. Lily giggled, and her gaze flickered to Sirius who was looking over.

I smiled at him, and he gave a small one back at me before continuing his conversation with Remy. I sighed, and looked forward.

About halfway through the lesson, I felt Xavier’s hand graze my knee. I ignored it, and scooted away. A bit later, his hand rested on my knee, and drew circles on it with his thumb. I slapped it way hard under the desk, and shot him a glare. He was grinning as he copied my notes.

I felt his hand slid up my thigh and squeeze gently. I slammed my fist down in his crotch, and he let out a high pitched whimper. I smiled sweetly at him, and scooted farther away. I saw Lily looking at us, and I looked down as she caught my eye.

At the end of class, and caught Xavier. “What the hell was all that?” I almost yelled at him.

“Feisty,” he said seductively, well, stupidly, as he raised his hand to graze my cheek, I slapped his hand away. He smiled down at me.

“I repeat, what the hell was that?” I asked him again, I saw his friends gather around his back. Ha. Ravenclaws thinking they can take me on. Nothing against them, but they’re more brains than brawn.

“That was me trying to get a pretty girls attention,” he smirked down at me. “And it worked.”

“This is not the kind of attention you want from me Knight,” I hissed at him. I saw Lily, Alice, Frank and Sirius stop at the door looking at us.

“Any kind will do,” he whispered, leaning closer. I wound my arm back and hit him in the jaw. He winced, and I smiled as I heard a crack when my fist hit him. “You bitch!” he snapped, rubbing the spot where I hit him.

“Stay away from me,” I snapped, I looked at his friends. “All of you.”

I turned to walk out with Lily, but I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whirled around and saw Sirius.

“I wanted to talk to you-”

“Why did you do that?” he asked softly, taking his hand off my shoulder.

“Do what?” I asked, God, his eyes had that sparkle back in them. They where a happy silver color in the light.

“Hit Knight.” He clarified.

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