Chapter 52: This Is Only The Beginning

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Well, I have the next chapter!

I wrote this with out the books, and Harry Potterwikia to check spelling and acuresy. Hmmm...I think I spelt that wrong...

Here's the chapter!

{10 votes, and 7 comments before I post again!}


Sirius POV
“YEAH! THAT’S RIGHT! RUN YOU NOSELESS COWARD! RUN AWAY FROM A LOUSING FIGHT ‘YA BASTARD!” James shouted up at the sky, smiling like a mad man.

“Well, that didn’t go as planed,” Remus sighed, wiping blood off his temple. I nodded in agreement, grinning.

“FEAR THE PHOENIX!” I screamed with James as I slung an arm around his shoulder.

“0 FOR TWO! ONE MORE AND YOUR OUT!” I yelled at the sky, James laughed and pulled Frank out of the happy daze he was in.

“You-Know-Who’ll mess up one day,” he said, smiling. “And we’ll get him.”

“You-Know-Who? What are you Frank? A first year?” I laughed, feeling giddy for some odd reason.

“Fear of the name is only fear of the being,” Remus said.

“I’m not afraid of the bloody name! VOLDEMORTE!” I yelled up at the night sky.

“VOLDEMORTE! VOLDEMORTE! VOL-DE-MORTE!” I continued toe yell with James as we walked back to the fireplaces to use Floo Powder to go back to James’s house.

“Where’s Peter?” Remus asked as we where getting our bags of Floor Powder out of our pockets. I looked around, looking for my short, fat friend.

“’e was here a second ago,” James mumbled, flattening his hair, and wiping ash off his face.

“He’s probably with the Death Eaters, doing dastardly deeds!” Frank teased me. I rolled my eyes.

“Ok, Waverly is not that bad!” I laughed. But, she was. She wouldn’t be on the same side if the room as Peter, she just kept telling me about this bad feeling she got around him.

“Mate, she hates one of our best friends, she’s that bad,” James said, all teasing gone from his voice.

“I need a drink,” I growled, roughly grabbing a handful of Floo Powder from the bag I had, and throwing a bit the flames, making them green.

“Hog’s Head anyone?” I asked, I got a course of yes’s, and I jumped in, yelling the name of the pub as I threw the grains at my feet.

I slid out with ease at the pub in Hogsmead. It was full of cheering wizards and witches who had heard about the most recent defeat, and celebrating.

The rest of the lads came moments later, and we sat at the bar. I downed my first butterbeer in seconds.

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