Chapter 12: Yes I Do Know How Ridicules That Sounds!

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Waverly POV

I leaned on Remy as we all talked.

“You ok?” I heard Black ask me. I looked up at him, and nodded slowly.

“I’ll be fine,” I mumbled. I felt Remy pull me into a one armed hug. I sniffed, and leaned into it.

“This is depressing!” James complained. Lily hit the back of his head with a book.

“OW-Well I’m not wrong!” he said, glaring slightly at Lily. “I know!” he said, jumping up suddenly.

“Oh no,” I mumbled. “James, your plans never work out well.”

“Thank you for your support,” James said sarcastically. He whispered something in Black’s ear, then gave him an exited look. Black looked at me, then shook his head.

“Nah.” He sighed and let his head hang over the edge of the sofa.

“I’m going to go too bed,” I mumbled. I fell asleep worrying about West. I felt something stiff under my pillow. I reached under it and pulled out an envelope.

I opened it, and smiled at West’s chicken scratch.


Don’t worry about me. I have some of the best Auras and Order people here…And I may or may not have looked in your DADA book and learned a few things.

I’ll be fine.



I smiled, and felt a little better.


I went to Snuffles spot, and saw him sitting there, wagging his tail. I smiled, and scratched behind his ears. “Hey Snuffles,” I cooed, sitting next to him. “How are things?”

He rolled his gray eyes and barked softly, and nuzzled my hand. I pulled my fingers through his soft fur. “West left today,” I said, Snuffles made this rumbling noise in his chest and rested his head in my lap.

“I think he’ll be ok,” I sighed. I saw Snuffles put his paw on my knee. I scratched his ears and he made that rumbling noise. I slumped down on so I was basically laying on the thick green grass. Snuffles head was on my shoulder, he was still making that rumbling noise in the back of his throat. I was pulling my fingers through the fur on his back. I rested my head on his furry one.

“You remember when I told you about that boy? Black-Erm-Sirius?” I felt Snuffles nod. “When I found out Tina was taken,” I had to pause to keep from crying. “I-I almost kissed him.” I mumbled, resting my head on his again.

“I wanted to, but I just felt like I had too much going on, so I didn’t,” I had my eyes closed as I pulled my fingers through his fur; he made that rumbling in his chest again.

“I talked to West, and he told me the gist of what he was thinking. West can almost read minds, but that’s another, long story. Lily and James, even Remy had told me Black was a ladies man. God knows he had had a ton of ‘girlfriends,’ but West told me he didn’t think of me that way.” I paused again.

“I used to think he was my best friend, now…I just can’t put him in a category,” I sighed.

“I think you’re my best friend pup,” I laughed; Snuffles made a playful little growling noise. “Oh shush! You’re stuck with me! Deal with it!” I smiled. I was almost asleep when I heard James and Remus yelling for me and Black. I saw the sun start to set, in the distance.

“Hey Waverly-” I heard James stop abruptly. I looked up, and I saw him looking from me to Snuffles. He opened him mouth to talk, and I heard Snuffles growl lowly.

“Hey! Bad dog!” I mumbled, I was half asleep anyways.

“Um-Er-If you see Sirius, could you please tell him that it is Friday the 14,” he said, looking at the Snuffles, then ran towards the Whopping Willow. I wondered what he meant. I was about to tell Snuffles this, but he got up, and looked down at me. He put his paws on either side of my head and pressed his nose to my forehead. I smiled.

“You know, for a dog, your surprising human,” I heard Snuffles let out a laugh of sorts. I saw the light catch his gray eyes as he ran away. I thought I had seen that look before…


Sirius POV

I was lying in the Hospital Wing, my ribs taped up tight, and waiting for the healing potion to work. I was staring up at the ceiling and thinking about Waverly. So…I guess I did have strong feelings for her, Remus was right.

“Hey, Moony,” I said, craning my head over to see Remus next to me. He mumbled something; I took that as he was listening.

“I think we should tell her,” I sighed, falling back onto my pillows.

“Tell who what?” he sighed; I could see him out of the corner of my eye. His face and chest where covered in long cuts. He was going to have more scares that he already did.

“Tell Waverly about your Furry Little Problem,” I said. I heard three voice gasp. I looked up. I saw James with his arm in a sling, and Peter with his black eye, and I saw Remus propped up on his elbows looking at me like I was crazy.

“What?” I asked.

“Sirius, you can’t be serious-Yes I do know how ridicules that sounds!” Remus said his eyes wide with fear.

“West already knows!” I said, forcing myself to sit up, despite all my ribs being cracked.

“How?” James asked, sitting on a cot, Peter fell on the floor.

“He can read minds. He’s a-a…What was it?” I thought hard. “We learned about them in History of Magic a few weeks ago.”

“Praesidios and Cogitatio Lectors?” Remus asked doubtfully.

“Yeah, that’s it,” I sighed, falling back onto the cot and staring at the ceiling. “He knows, and I fell like the biggest jerk now every time I look at Waverly.”

“That’s just because you llllooooove her!” James teased me. I made a face at him and threw my pillow at him. He caught it with his good arm, and threw it back.

“By the way James, how’s Lily?” I asked, I saw Remus roll his eyes, and pull a pillow over his face. James flicked me off with both hands. I pulled my pillow over my head, and smiled at the ceiling.

I didn’t love Waverly. I didn’t.

I don’t think I do…Where’s my damn Magic 8 Ball when I need it?


Ok, so I was board, and I was re-reading stuff I had written. I relized I hadn't written about how badass Sriuis is. Like about how he got a ton of detentions, or about the pranks he pulled.

I FEEL LIKE A BAD POTTERHEAD! Ok, venting time over.

I'll try and put more of that in the next few chapters. And ifI don't, my few dear readers, you habe my permision to comment wizard swears. Even the really, really, REALLY bad ones. :)

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