Chapter 28: Potter Manor House

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Waverly POV

<Christmas Break>

“West!” I screamed, picking my brother up around the waist and spun him around.

“You got big!” I said, ruffling his hair. I smiled at Fabian and Gideon over shoulder. They gave me a quick hug and Apperated.

“WESTCHESTER!” Sirius bellowed, catching my brother in a headlock and mussing his hair.

“Hey! Wave! Look what Fabian taught me!” West laughed. In one, swift motion, Sirius was back first on the stone floor. I was with Lily, James, Alice, Frank, and Remy laughing out asses off as Sirius moaned from the floor.

“I think West broke me,” he groaned.

“Awwwww!” I cooed, sitting next to him. “Est peu Sirius fait mal?” {Means: Is little Sirius hurt?}

“I love it when you talk French to me,” he smirked, getting up.

“Pig!” I laughed, smacking his chest. I got up, and sat next to Remy.

“Aw, you know you love me!” Sirius sighed, running his hand through my hair as he went around the back of the sofa to sit next to Frank.

“Well, I’m stuck with you now, aren’t I?” I asked. I saw West looking intently at Sirius, who squirmed under his gaze.

“So Lily, you finally said yes to James-? CRAP!” he got up and ran out of the common room.

“WEST!” I heard a group of girls scream, running down from the dorms.

“I’ll catch up with you later!” he yelled over his shoulder, I laughed, and nodded.

“Ah, to be young, and chased by girls,” Sirius mused. I smacked his chest.

“Well, the train leaves in 15 minutes,” Lily sighed, getting up and pulling on her coat. I did the same.

“Let’s leave this prison of learning!” Sirius yelled at the ceiling, putting an arm around my shoulders.

“This trap of transfiguration class!” I shouted, grinning with him.

“The place where happiness dies, POTIONS!” we kept going until we got to the train.

“What did you want for Christmas?” Sirius asked his arm still around my shoulders. I ignored the never-ending butterflies that had taken a permanent residence in my tummy when I was with Sirius.

“Nothing, I didn’t have the money to get anyone anything,” I sighed, tugging on my Gryffindor scarf.

“Well, I got you something anyways, so suck it!” he joked, I poke his ribs, and he tickled me.

“Stop! Stop it! Stop it! Sirius!” I laughed, as we fell back onto the padded bench in the compartment. He was half over me, and still running his hands along my ribs making me squirm and laugh loudly.

Slowly his hands stopped, and they rested on my hips. I looked up at Sirius’s bright, silver/gray eyes, and realized my face was a few inched from mine. My heart was hammering in my chest like it had a few weeks ago in the Shrieking Shack.

His eyes flickered to my lips and back to my eyes. One of his hands traveled up my arm, and held the back of my neck softly. His thumb trailed across my bottom lip, making it tremble and my eyes flutter shut. I could feel his face get closer to mine, and he hesitated.

“Waverly?” he whispered. “I-I have something I want to tell you-”

“Padfoot!-Oops.” Both our heads whipped over to see James, Lily, Remy and Peter at the door.

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