Chapter 20: Woof Woof

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Sirius POV

James, Remus, and I where lying on the floor of the Shrieking Shack. We where all exhausted, and Remus was bleeding. I sat up and leaned on the wall.

“We have to tell her.” I sighed, looking at Remus. He had just gotten done yelling at us for not keeping Waverly away. I was about ready to put my fist through the wall for not thinking she wouldn’t follow us.

He nodded. “She should know. We can trust her.” James nodded in agreement. His glasses where cracked, broken in the middle, and dangling from his ears.

“Let’s get you to the Hospital Wing, Furry Buddy,” he said, getting up, and pulling me and Remus up. We helped him to the Wing, and ignored the looks we got. My t-shirt was ripped and Remus was bloody. James was squinting to see a foot in front of him.

I led them to the Hospital Wing and fell onto the floor at the end of his cot. I pushed my dark hair back and stared at the stone floor. I saw a pair of red high-tops stop in front of me. I looked up, and smiled.

“What happened to you three?” Waverly asked, her navy eyes where concerned.

“We’re fine,” James complained, squinting to see her with his glasses in his pocket. Waverly rolled her eyes and grabbed the two glasses pieces.

“Oculus Repero,” she mumbled, his glasses fused together and she shoved them on his face. “There.” She sat next to me on the ground, leaning on my shoulder. I wanted to put my arm around her, but I didn’t.

“Tired?” Remus asked.

“Yeah,” she yawned. “Got a bit of a freak out last night.”

“What happened?” I asked, shooting a look at James and Remus.

“I-I think I saw a werewolf,” she said, looking at us with honest, big navy eyes.

I heard Remus laugh nervously. “R-Really?” he asked.

“I think so,” she sighed. She pulled a bag form her robe pockets, and tossed it to Remus. “There are some extra Chocolate Forge in there for you Remus,” she smiled. I got up, and walked to the doors with her.

“You going to Hogsmead on Friday?” I asked, pulling at the collar of my torn shirt.

“Yeah, you?” she asked, pulling her bag back up her shoulder.

“Yeah-Um-Uh-Did-Did you want to go with me?” I blurted.

“Well wasn’t I going with you anyways?” she asked, turning her head in confusion. “With Remy, James, Lily and Peter?”

“Well, yeah. But I meant with me,” I said, stressing the words. Waverly’s eyes widened, and she swallowed loudly.

“Uh-Yea-Yeah. Sure,” she said. Her voice was quite and shaky, nervous.

I didn’t expect her to say yes. I thought she’d hit me. Or worse.

“Great!” I said, a bit exited. “I’ll-I’ll see you Friday!” I put my hands on her shoulders, and kissed her forehead. I went back to my friends, grinning wide.

“What happened to make you so damn happy?” Remus growled, ripping the head off a Chocolate Frog slowly, making it squirm.

“I got a date,” I said, ripping the paper off a Pumpkin Pasty. Remus grunted, mouth full of chocolate. James rolled his eyes.

“What else is new?” he sighed, throwing a Liquorish Wand at me.

“With Waverly.” I added with my mouth full. James smacked my back approvingly, and Remus congratulated me. Said I was probably the only person to say that still living.


Waverly POV

“Uh-Yea-Yeah. Sure,” I said, looking up into his gray eyes. God, my voice sounded so damn weird!

“Great!” he said, he almost sounded giddy. “I’ll-I’ll see you Friday!”

He put both hands on my shoulders, and kissed my forehead. I walked back to the Great Hall in a happy trance. I brushed my bangs back, and thought about how I was going to tell Snuffles this-Holy Smokin Shit.

Snuffles would put his front paws on my shoulders and press his nose to my forehead. That was what he did every time I left. At the train station last year, when Black kissed my forehead, I felt déjà vu. Snuffles did that. Last year when I found out Tina was dead, I cried into Snuffles fur, leaving a huge wet spot. When Black came later, he had a wet spot on the back of his head.

Black was an Animagus.

James called him Padfoot. No wonder! He was a dog-Black calls James Prongs. And Remy, Moony. Moony-Full moon. Remus was the werewolf, that’s why he was all nervous when I said I thought I saw a werewolf. James was the stag. Prongs.

They lied to me. I told them everything about me, and they kept this from me.

They where going to get hell!


Sirius POV

I walked to lunch with James, and I sat across from Waverly.

“Hey Waverly,” I smiled, and expected her to at least say hello back. She was spinning something in her fingers. She threw it at my plate.

A chicken bone.

“Woof woof,” she snapped, getting up and walking out of the Great Hall.

“What?” I heard James laugh. He looked at my expression, and then his face fell.

“She figured it out,” I sighed, getting up following her out. She was sitting on the ground where I usually met her as Snuffles. I sat next to her, and heard her sniff.

“Are you ok?” I asked softly, scooting closer to her.

“Do you guys trust me?” she asked, looking at me with navy eyes glassy with tears.

“Of course we do!” I almost laughed.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked. “I honestly can not think of any good reason why you wouldn’t tell me.”

“Remus is afraid he’s going to hurt someone. You should have seen him when he changed back this morning. He was yelling at us for not keeping you away,” I said, playing with the grass.

“Damnit Sirius! I told you everything!” She almost yelled, shoving away from me, getting up. I followed her, I felt my heart expand when she called me by my first name.

“What so bad about that? We’re still best friends,” I said, putting both my hand on the top of her arms. She shook them off, and grabbed her bag off the ground.

“Best friends don’t lie to one another.” She snapped as she walked off to the castle.

Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit.

I felt like my heart was being squeezed so hard I thought it was going to burst. I saw her raise her hand to her face, like she was wiping away a tear. I made her cry.

I made her cry.

Well this ruined our date on Friday. And pretty much our eniter friendship.

Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit.Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit. Damnit.


Well, I did my best, so  don't be harsh. :)

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