Chapter 26: Then and There

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Sirius POV

Waverly was laying in the grass by the lake where she had been, human, still in my sweater and jeans. She wasn’t a werewolf. I was so happy I felt like jumping up and down, screaming.

I ran down the tunnel and shook Remus awake. “MOONY!” He jumped as he buttoned his shirt.

“Don’t tell me,” he whispered, I could see tears building in his eyes.

“JUST COME!” I screamed happily, grabbing his collar and dragging him to the tunnel, and out into the sun.

Waverly was smiling as Peter and James bounced around. Lily, Alice and Frank where out with them in their pajamas.

“WAVERLY!” Remus screamed, running over to her and picking her up for a hug.

“I’m fine! And if I hear one more comment about how your sorry, I’ll slap you silly!” she laughed, he rolled his eyes and nodded slowly. She was hugged harshly by Alice and Frank, she spun around to look at me.

“You,” she said, pointing at me. “Your turn!” she said, jumping into my arms and hugged me tight. I spun her around and laughed. Remus was looking the happiest I’ve ever seen him, just standing there.

“Does this mean I can have meat now?” Waverly whinnied, giving me a look that sound make a puppy cry.

“Can she?” I asked over her head at Remus.

“I’d limit it, but I don’t see why not,” he said, still grinning. Lily caught her in a tight, vice group hug and walked with her to the common room so we could all change.

I fell face first on my bed and moaned. “Aw, is Paddy sad?” James teased, throwing something at me. I caught it, my Magic 8 Ball. Huh, thought I lost it.

“Is it going to rain today?” I asked randomly, looking out at the cloudless sky.


“Stupid Muggle toy,” I grumbled, setting it roughly on my nightstand. “There’s no way in hell it’s going to rain today.” I sighed, pulling a clean shirt out of my trunk.

“Yes it is, if that thing said so,” James said, fumbling with his tie. “I charmed it.”

“To what?”

“It answers truthfully, see,” he grabbed it. “Am I going out with Lily Evans?” he asked.

‘With out a doubt.’

“That’s just a coincidence.” I sighed, finding all my books. I hated Mondays.

“Does Padfoot llllloooooooveeee Waverly-Oh my God you do!” he shouted, jumping up and down. Peter looked over his shoulder, and his fat face screwed up in a grin.

“I do not!” I snapped. I think I was lying to myself.

“It says you do!” James said, then running out of the dorm. I followed him out, and tackled him to the floor. The black, plastic ball rolled over the floor, and a red high top stopped it.

“‘Yes’ what?” Waverly asked.

“Um-Er-J-James asked if he loved Lily?” It came out a question.

“Is Sirius lying?” She asked, shaking the ball and smirking at me.

“Ha, good thing these don’t really tell the truth, or you would be in deep shit,” she laughed, running to catch up with Lily and Alice.

“I so hate you right now!” I said to James, letting him up.

I have some serious thinking to do. {No pun in tended.}


Waverly POV
I was sitting next to Sirius as I piled bacon on my plate. I ate in an a few minutes flat.

“Hungry?” Sirius chuckled next to me.

“No shit,” I smiled, shoving more bacon in my mouth. He stuck his tough out at me, and I made a face at him.

“Have fun all night?” I heard a voice drawl.

“Leave Severus,” Lily snapped, cuddling into James’s arm that was around her.

“I wasn’t talking to you,” He said harshly. He looked at me and Remy.

“I know something’s wrong with you, Lupin,” he said coldly. Remy’s jaw flexed, like he was trying to not say anything. I on the other hand…

“Just go back to your chemistry set Snivellus! Go try and make shampoo or something!” I snapped, glaring at him.

“Why don’t you just go back to America and ruin people there!” he hissed. I jumped up, but Sirius held my arms back, and forced myself to sit.

“Aw, come on! One punch!” I whinnied, glaring at Severus. He took a careful step back, and sent a look at Lily, she was playing with her food, not looking at him. He glared at me one last time and walked away. I relaxed with my back against Sirius’s chest.

“You should have let me hit him,” I sighed. He put his arms around my waist and rested him chin on my head.

“I know,” he sighed.

“Why didn’t you?” I snapped, my palms sparking.

“Because it would upset Lily,” he mumble din my ear, looking at my red headed friend. She was looking blankly at her food while James mumbled in her ear and rubbed her back.

“One of these days I’m going to hit him so hard, magic won’t fix him,” I sighed, feeling sleepy as I rested my head on Sirius’s chest.

“And I wont stop you then,” he laughed, sending vibrations through me from my head being on his chest. I saw a few girls form the Ravenclaw table glare at me.

“Hey, Padfoot, I have a great idea for a prank!” James hissed at him. I zoned and was rudely woken up by Alice when breakfast was over.

I thought about the dream I had last night when I slept in the grass. I filled in the answers to my Transfiguration sheet absent mindedly as I thought about it.

I was still laying in the grass, my eyes shut. I heard James mumble that he was going to be right back.

I heard Peter fall a few feet away from me, and a sharp crack.

“Did he change her?” a mean voice asked.

“I-I-I d-don’t think so,” Peter said timidly.

“You gave your word Pettigrew,” Bellatrix snapped. “The Dark Lord is less than pleased.”

“B-But I did my part!” he protested.

“He wants results Wormtail. Not excuses,” she hissed, before another crack sliced threw the air. I jerked awake after that, with Sirius pulling Remy out of the tunnel. I looked over at the boys, mainly Pettigrew.

His beady blue eyes where darting around as he nervously looedkm arounf, trying to cheat of Remy’s sheet. He saw me glare/staring at him, and he twisted his face up in a sick grin. I flicked him off under my desk, and he quickly turned around.

I decided then and there I didn’t trust him.

Dream or not.



Anyways, I hope you all like this chapter!

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